AmnGupta 0 Newbie Poster

Hi everyone,

I'm working in netbeans IDE 6.9 for my college project work. I had made my application in such a way that, using single Desktop Pane I used to add all the JInternal Frame to it, and display one by click on the respective menuitem. For e.g.
for MenuItem1:

Add a = new Add(); // this is one JInternal Frame

like this, I had done for all. but now I stucked over a step where I have to call a JInternal Frame from the another JInternal Frame, though both of them are present in same package of netbeans project, and both can be called separately using two different MenuItem, But I want to make one JInternal Frame should appear by click on the JButton of another JInternal Frame?? How can I do that...?? please help

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