samacoba 10 Light Poster

hi all,I was wondering if someone could help me, i need to retrieve DataBase aliases from BDE using C#(Windows), what ive done is so far is to manage to read the file path below from Binary to string and display it on my console application(From here i can see all the aliases stored on the BDE),however i cant figure out what to do next.

My question now is,is there a way to view the BinaryData in a table Format(EG. DataTable) ?
or perhaps a way in which i can loop through the Binary Reader text so that i am able to retrieve the DataBase aliase name and its corresponding filepath?

if there is a different approach to this please share as i am stumped for now.Beneath is my code thus far,thanks in advance.

string strFileName = @"E:\Program Files\Common Files\Borland Shared\BDE\IDAPI32.CFG";
           using (FileStream myFstr = new FileStream(strFileName, FileMode.Open))
               using (StreamReader myStrRdr = new StreamReader(myFstr))

                   myFstr.Position = 0;
                   using (BinaryReader myBrdr = new BinaryReader(myFstr))
                       string strstring = myBrdr.ReadString();