i'm running C# on a windows application and found a problem.
I'm unable to Check if a row from my data grid contains a null value, because im populating the rows for the datagrid from a CSV file and after that i need to populate that csv file into my database.

if (da.Tables["stocks"].Rows[i].ItemArray.GetValue(0) == "null")
     //to insert on another table or create a file to dump the info another csx
  cmd.CommandText = "Insert  into Test values('" +da.Tables["data"].Rows[i].ItemArray.GetValue(0) + "','" + da.Tables["data"].Rows[i].ItemArray.GetValue(1) + "','" + da.Tables["data"].Rows[i].ItemArray.GetValue(2) + "')";

This is not how you test for null values

if (da.Tables["stocks"].Rows[i].ItemArray.GetValue(0) == "null")

That tested for a string "null"

Rather try and use:

if (da.Tables["stocks"].Rows[i].ItemArray.GetValue(0) == null)

Also, please use more descriptive headings for you posts, I don't expect to "C#" titled post in a C# forum :D

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