Hi guys, I know what is meant by vector <string> myvector as it will just take every inputs as string when we are trying to store the inputs in myvector.

e.g. myvector.push_back(nick)

but what about if we declare the type of vector become like vector <FLATMATE> myvector?
Why it won't take any inputs and give some error?


    string name;
        FLATMATE() { name = "";}
        FLATMATE(string n){name = n;}
        string getName(){return name;}
        void setResident(string n){name = n;}

vector <FLATMATE> myvector

what is the valid input for myvector to store something? Just need to get this stuff around my head..

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First you have to declare an object of type FLATMATE and then push it onto the vector

FLATMATE fl("John");

problem solved, thanks for the help!

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