mcupryk 0 Newbie Poster

I have the error coming when I call a dialog form passing a parameter.

An unhandled exception of type 'System.Exception' occurred in microsoft.visualbasic.dll

Additional information: Can't assign text to readonly, disabled or hidden C1Input
control when its Text property is not detached.

Public Sub DoModify()

Dim dTable As DataTable = Me.DataGrid1.DataSource
Dim bm As BindingManagerBase = Me.DataGrid1.BindingContext(Me.DataGrid1.DataSource, Me.DataGrid1.DataMember)
Dim dRow As DataRow = CType(bm.Current, DataRowView).Row
Me.lbNumRec.Text = Me.DsTransOverride1.Tables(0).Rows.Count.ToString()
Dim cEditTransOverride As New EditTransOverride
cEditTransOverride.ShowDialog(TransOverrideStruct) ====> Fails here

End Sub

Public Class EditTransOverride
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
'Dim TOverride As New TransOverride.structTransoverride

#Region " Windows Form Designer generated code "

Public Sub New()

'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.

'Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call

End Sub

'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list.
Public Overloads Sub ShowDialog(ByRef objTransoverride As TransOverride.structTransoverride)
' Do All the work that you want to i.e. the one that you have written in the Load
oldPolicyNumber = objTransoverride.PolicyNumber.ToString()
oldTransCode = objTransoverride.TransCodeOrig.ToString()
oldTransEffDate = objTransoverride.TransEffDate.ToString()
txtAccountName.Text = objTransoverride.Account_Name.ToString()
txtPolicyNumber.Text = objTransoverride.PolicyNumber.ToString()
txtPlanYear.Text = objTransoverride.Plan_Year.ToString()
txtUserId.Text = objTransoverride.ModifiedUID.ToString()
txtDate.Text = objTransoverride.ModifiedDate.ToString()
dteEffDt.Text = objTransoverride.TransEffDate.ToString()
dteEffDt.Value = objTransoverride.TransEffDate.ToString()
lbRecNum.Text = objTransoverride.RowNum.ToString()
FillComboBox(cmbOriginalTransCode, objTransoverride.TransCodeOrig)
FillComboBox(cmbOverrideAction, objTransoverride.Override_Action)
FillComboBox(cmbOverrideNR, objTransoverride.Override_New_Renewal)
FillComboBox(cmbOverrideTransactionCode, objTransoverride.Override_Transaction_Code)
End Sub

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