poorchap 0 Newbie Poster

I have a windows form application(done on VISUAL STUDIO 2008 ). It is about making a better GUI and i make use of a flowlayout panel and buttons. I have a problem on the buttons after copying and pasting it.
after double clicking the buttons , it'll lead to another form , but i got no idea how come after double-clicking to edit the original copy of the button it pops out the number of times(eg. frm.showdialog()) i pasted onto the panel. well i tried setting the copied button name to a new name after getting pasted but that problem still happens.However if i go through the context menu and select edit it'll work fine (form opens only once).

well i place the code from the edit toolstrip into the condition if(e.clicks==2)
which is wrong. (DURING RUN-TIME)

Is there something to do with parent and child relation?
anyone knows whats the problem here?

part of the code
pardon me if i didnt explain clearly

it goes something like this

 public void newbutton_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)


            prebutton = (Button)sender;

            Point p = new Point(e.X, e.Y);

                if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right && count < 2)
                    cm_rightclick.Show(prebutton, p);//user supposedly right click ,then click onto edit to edit the moves on the button

             if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left && e.Clicks == 2)


 public void editToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


            bool bFound = false;

            //Initiating an instance of Move Category.cs form
            moveCatergory frm = new moveCatergory();

            //Using the FindSingleMovement FUNCTION
            SingleMovement sm = FindSingleMovement(ref  bFound);

            frm.sm =  sm;

            for (int i = 0; i < allMovements.Count; i++)
                if (sm.button_action == allMovements[i].button_action)


            //FOR LOOP used for checking which dancestep is selected
            int k = 0;

            //After the checking is done, the selected dancestep list will be removed and the edited dancestep will be added
            if (k < allMovements.Count)
                frm.sm.button_action.Text = frm.sm.dance_action.nametxt;
                allMovements.Insert(k, frm.sm);


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