assemblerage 0 Newbie Poster

I'm sure this is the most belabored question here as this comes from a school assignment but I have perused google for far too long. Can someone help me get this code to output? I've tried putting the li, print_int calls in both loops and keep getting weird answers. This code comes from a previous answer so I've changed the registers to what MIPS uses, the shifts originally ended with 31, I changed them to 1, and the ending jr call was to $31, I changed it to $ra. My minor changes don't seem to help, so could someone with analytical abilities in Logic and Computer Systems help, as I'm sure it's only a line of code that needs to be fixed.

# input
# $t0 = op1
# $t1 = op2
# output
# $t0 = res
# $t2 = sign
# $t3 = temp
# $t4 = acc/current total
# $t5 = temp for 0 comparison
.align 2
.globl main
	la	$a0,prompt1	# prompt user for input
	li	$v0,4

	li	$v0,5		# read keyboard into $v0
	move	$t0,$v0		# first number in $t0
	la	$a0,prompt2	# prompt user for input
	li	$v0,4

	li	$v0,5		# read keyboard into $v0

	move	$t1,$v0		# second number in $t1

	sra	$t2,$t0,1	# sign = asr op1,1
	xor	$t0,$t0,$t2	# invert op1s bits if < 0
	sub	$t0,$t0,$t2	# add 1 if < 0
	sra	$t3,$t1,1	# same but for op2
	xor	$t1,$t1,$t3
	sub	$t1,$t1,$t3
	xor	$t2,$t2,$t3	# save the sign of mult

	xor	$t4,$t4,$t4	# init res acc mov $t4,0
	xor	$t5,$t5,$t5	# used for 0 cmp
	j	lmult_start
	andi	$t3,$t1,1	# get lsb of op2
	sll	$t3,$t3,1	# if set add op1 to res acc
	sra	$t3,$t3,1
	and	$t3,$t3,$t0
	add	$t4,$t4,$t3
	sll	$t0,$t0,1	# shift op1 left 1
	srl	$t1,$t1,1	# and op2 right 1

	li	$t0,1

	bne	$t1,$t5,lmult_loop	# break when op2 is 0

	addi	$t0,$t4,0		# put result in $t0
	xor	$t0,$t0,$t2		# invert if sign is negative
	sub	$t0,$t0,$t2

	li	$t0,1

	jr	$ra			# return
		.asciiz "\n\nEnter the first number "
		.asciiz "Enter the second number "