Hello Members,

I want to write a C program which creates two threads and uses a semaphore (as a critical section) to sleep for 1 second and then terminate. I am having a hard time with some of the C Syntax for semaphores. Is it possible to post an example code for this problem?

Kindly let me know.

Thank you!

Instead of someone posting an example you should post what you have tried.

Hello Dragon,

Makes sense! Following is an example code that I found online which is making some sense to me:

/* Includes */
#include <unistd.h>     /* Symbolic Constants */
#include <sys/types.h>  /* Primitive System Data Types */ 
#include <errno.h>      /* Errors */
#include <stdio.h>      /* Input/Output */
#include <stdlib.h>     /* General Utilities */
#include <pthread.h>    /* POSIX Threads */
#include <string.h>     /* String handling */
#include <semaphore.h>  /* Semaphore */

/* prototype for thread routine */
void handler ( void *ptr );

/* global vars */
/* semaphores are declared global so they can be accessed 
   in main() and in thread routine,
   here, the semaphore is used as a mutex */
sem_t mutex;
int counter; /* shared variable */

int main()
    int i[2];
    pthread_t thread_a;
    pthread_t thread_b;
    i[0] = 0; /* argument to threads */
    i[1] = 1;
    sem_init(&mutex, 0, 1);      /* initialize mutex to 1 - binary semaphore */
                                 /* second param = 0 - semaphore is local */
    /* Note: you can check if thread has been successfully created by checking return value of
       pthread_create */                                 
    pthread_create (&thread_a, NULL, (void *) &handler, (void *) &i[0]);
    pthread_create (&thread_b, NULL, (void *) &handler, (void *) &i[1]);
    pthread_join(thread_a, NULL);
    pthread_join(thread_b, NULL);

    sem_destroy(&mutex); /* destroy semaphore */
    /* exit */  
} /* main() */

void handler ( void *ptr )
    int x; 
    x = *((int *) ptr);
    printf("Thread %d: Waiting to enter critical region...\n", x);
    sem_wait(&mutex);       /* down semaphore */
    printf("Thread %d: Now in critical region...\n", x);
    printf("Thread %d: Counter Value: %d\n", x, counter);
    printf("Thread %d: Incrementing Counter...\n", x);
    printf("Thread %d: New Counter Value: %d\n", x, counter);
    printf("Thread %d: Exiting critical region...\n", x);
    sem_post(&mutex);       /* up semaphore */
    pthread_exit(0); /* exit thread */

When I tried to compile using the following command:

gcc filename.c -lpthread

I get the following errors:

Undefined                       first referenced
 symbol                             in file
sem_destroy                         /var/tmp//ccUFqVaE.o
sem_init                            /var/tmp//ccUFqVaE.o
sem_post                            /var/tmp//ccUFqVaE.o
sem_wait                            /var/tmp//ccUFqVaE.o
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to a.out
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Once I am able to run, I think I will understand the program better. I would be grateful for any help.

Thank you!

> gcc filename.c -lpthread
is not enough. You also need -lrt

Hello Neza,

It works now. Could you tell me what does -lrt do?

Thank you!

It links in the librt.so, the library which provides (among other things) implementation of the sem_* functions. Ask me not why this library is called rt; however, see the Linking section of a sem_overview manpage.
PS: it is important to realize that sem family is not related to pthread family whatsoever. The fact that posix semaphores, pthreads (as well as System V primitives) coexist peacefully in the same system is one of the marvels of unix.

Hello Neza,

That was very helpful!

Thank you!

gcc -pthread filename.c
is also enough.

commented: Replying to threads that are 6 years old is not productive. -3

Your post is very helpful,,,Thank you

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