I need help to write a program which calculates your grade for this class. All grades input should be taken from keyboard. the grade is calculated as follows:
Grades = (homework-1 + homework-2 + homework-3 + homework-4 + homework-5)* .10 + midterm * .20 + final * .30

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Okay, so lets see what you have. And, if by "help" you mean that we should write (any part of it) for you, then you can forget that now.

I have to second masijade comment. I can some how point you in the right direction. I did this assignment a while back in the semester.. You can use the javax.swing.JOptionpane function or the Scanner class *I forgot the import but if u have eclipse write it out and it will import it for you when you hover it.* Start there to take in the user inputs and show us what you got. Even though you may dislike programming, I encourage you to earn your grade and at least understand some concept... Just like history I dont need it but I try -.-

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