Robert Walker 0 Newbie Poster

The following code is me loading a listbox with a table. I have no problem with the retrieving data if data has information, but if the field is empty I get a error. how can I check the field in a listbox first for DBnull?

'***1. load listbox from table

vStr = "Select social&' '&name as entry, title, street, RowNumber"
vStr += " from EmpAdds where "
vStr += " id_code = " + CType(cbEMPL.SelectedValue, String)

oCont = VB_LIB.MAIN.SQLSelect(vStr, oACC)

If oCont.Rows.Count > 0 Then
Me.lbOwnrInfo.DataSource = oCont
Me.lbOwnrInfo.DisplayMember = "entry"
Me.lbOwnrInfo.ValueMember = "RowNumber"

'***2. Get Data from Listbox

temp = me.lbOwnrInfo.SelectedItem("street")

Thanks for any help!

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