Hi everyone. I am an undergraduate student of mechanical engineer and i am trying to make a program that will convert a decimal number to a binary one and a hexadecimal one using c . The problem is that i am not familiar with c at all. I am only familiar with Basic and python. Anyway, doing some research in here i have managed to find this code

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
      int hexa = 16, deci, quotient, ctr;
      printf("enter decimal number: ");
      for (ctr = 1; ctr<=deci; ctr++)
      quotient = deci / hexa;
      printf("Equivalent in Hexadecimal is %d",quotient);
      printf("\n\n Try this for Hexadecimal: %X\n", deci);
      return 0;

for decimal to hexadecimal conversion and this

#include <stdio.h>
      void dec2bin(long decimal, char *binary);
      int main()
      long decimal;
      char binary[80];
      printf("\n\n Enter an integer value : ");
      printf("\n The binary value of %ld is %s \n",decimal,binary);
      getchar(); // trap enter
      getchar(); // wait
      return 0;
      // accepts a decimal integer and returns a binary coded string
      void dec2bin(long decimal, char *binary)
      int k = 0, n = 0;
      int neg_flag = 0;
      int remain;
      int old_decimal; // for test
      char temp[80];
      // take care of negative input
      if (decimal < 0)
      decimal = -decimal;
      neg_flag = 1;
      old_decimal = decimal; // for test
      remain = decimal % 2;
      // whittle down the decimal number
      decimal = decimal / 2;
      // this is a test to show the action
      printf("%d/2 = %d remainder = %d\n", old_decimal, decimal, remain);
      // converts digit 0 or 1 to character '0' or '1'
      temp[k++] = remain + '0';
      } while (decimal > 0);
      if (neg_flag)
      temp[k++] = '-'; // add - sign
      temp[k++] = ' '; // space
      // reverse the spelling
      while (k >= 0)
      binary[n++] = temp[--k];
      binary[n-1] = 0; // end with NULL

for decimal to binary conversion.
Now my problem is that i want to enhance this by adding two features
a)I want the user to be able to give the integer for conversion straight from the command line. I think that this is possible by using the argc and argv but i am not sure on how to do so.
b)Secondly i want the user to be able to to write the results in a txt file using again some kind of command from the terminal.
Any help or guidance would be much appreciated
thanks in advance

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This is the simplest example of argc and argv:

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   Print the number of command-line arguments, if the user didn't give
   any command-line args., the value of argc will be 1 which is the
   complete name and path of the program.
   printf("Number of command-line arguments: %d \n", argc);
   if(argc == 1)
      printf("You didn't specify any command-line args.\n");

   // Print the first element of **argv which is the program's full path and name
   printf("Full path and name of the program: %s \n", argv[0]);

   // Print command-line args. if any:
   for(int n=1; n<argc; ++n)
      printf("Command-line argument #%d: %s \n", n, argv[n]);

   return 0;

This program outputs the number of command-line args. (argc), which is 1 by default(if the user didn't specify command-line args.).
Then it prints the full path and name of the program (argv[0]).
argv is an array of arrays (multi-dimensional array), in C a string is an array of characters, so argv is an array of strings.

Hope that helps.

thanks kim00000 i 'll give it a try soon

I have no idea what your first code is doing. The loop makes no sense, neither does the output.

As for command line parameters, see this

And for your first post:
Code tags -- fantastic! Thank you!
Code -- fair attempt at formatting the code. Check this out for more complete details.
Comments in code -- wonderful to finally see! Thanks.

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