Hey i am new to VB this is my first language to learn on a computer and i am terrible but i am trying to code some applications to help a forum i am curently signed up on get more members. Wll what i needed to do was read the Hex of a file like HxD does. Pretty much i am trying to do exactly what a hex editor does but in my program.
I have everything made, as in i have a button and stuff but to learn just how to read the hex

i made a program with 2 buttons one that opens the file and the other that reads the hex and prints it to a rich text box i have on the form. i tried using the hex(the string of what the file reads to) but honestly here i am just guessing on what to do. If you can help please do thanks!

Welcome guggilosmodz,

Here is simple start.

Dim b As Byte = 15
str = b.ToString("X")
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