Lee21 0 Light Poster

I'm trying to pass a multiple value from a field in my table like "Employee ID" to a parameter field in Crystal Report named "EMPID" and here's my code..

Private Sub btnView_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnView.Click
        Dim reports As New frmReports
        Dim objrep As New crysEmployee
        Dim empid(dt.Rows.Count - 1) As String

        While total <> dt.Rows.Count
            empid(total) = dt.Rows(total).Item(0)

            objrep.SetParameterValue(0, empid(total))
            objrep.SetParameterValue(1, dt.Rows(total).Item(5))
            objrep.SetParameterValue(2, dt.Rows(total).Item(6))
            objrep.SetParameterValue(3, dt.Rows(total).Item(7))

            frmReports.crv.ReportSource = objrep
            total += 1
        End While

    End Sub

My problem is the parameter field name "EMPID" in Crystal report can't accept multiple values. It only display the last value that I retrieved. I need it to display all the records that I retrieved. I think it overwrites the data that I retrieved that's why It only display the last value. Please help me.