Just wondering if someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong here, I just can't seem to work this out, I keep getting errors.

function GetColorFromBmp(XX, YY: Integer; Bmp: TBitmap): TColor;
  Line: PRGB32Array;
  Line := Bmp.ScanLine[YY];
  Result := RGBtoColor(Line^[XX].R, Line^[XX].G, Line^[XX].B);

procedure SetColorOnBmp(XX, YY: Integer; Color: TColor; Bmp: TBitmap);
  Line: PRGB32Array;
  Line := Bmp.ScanLine[YY];
  Line^[XX].R := GetRValue(Color);
  Line^[XX].G := GetGValue(Color);
  Line^[XX].B := GetBValue(Color);

What are the errors ?

Access violation errors. I don't really understand pointers all that well, I don't think I'm doing it properly.

I've figured it out, no need to worry, it was due to me not having declared the TRGB32Array variable type properly. Instead, now I'm using the TRGBTripleArray and pRGBTripleArray types, which are declared like so:

  PixelCountMax = 32768;

  TRGBTripleArray = array[0..PixelCountMax-1] of TRGBTriple;
  pRGBTripleArray = ^TRGBTripleArray;

I also needed to set the Bitmap PixelFormat's properly before trying to use ScanLine. I also found that I don't need to use the ^ character to refer to what the pointer points to, Delphi seems to do it automatically.

Double post, sorry.

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