ThatGuy2244 0 Light Poster

I have tried to set the colors of the vga color palette here is my code:

mov ax, 0x13
	int 0x10
	mov ax, 0xa000
	mov es, ax
	mov al, 2
	mov bh, 63
	mov bl, 0
	mov ch, 0
	call SetPalette
	mov si, 344
	mov byte [es:si], 2
	jmp Hang

	out 0x3c8, al
	mov al, bh
	out 0x3c9, al
	mov al, bl
	out 0x3c9, al
	mov al, ch
	out 0x3c9, al

It does not set the entree number it always sets palette entree 0.
Can anyone tell me why this is or how to fix it?
Also I was found that the maximum number of each color is 63 why is this?

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