I am making an expression tree for a school assignment and am getting these error in my code. Being quite new to C++ I have searched the web for answers to no avail.

using namespace std;
#include "expression.h"

namespace Student
    void writeNode(NodeType* node);
    Displays an arithmetic expression.
    @pre The node is initialized.
    @post This node has been displayed.

    int answer(NodeType* node);
    returns the value of the SUB_NODE, or the value
    if node is just an int.
    void Expression::display() const
        writeNode(eTree*);       //error here

    int Expression::getValue() const
        return answer(eTree*);   //error here
    void writeNode(NodeType node)
        if(node.tag == SUB_NODE)
            cout<< node.op;
        else if(node.tag == INT_ONLY)
    int answer(NodeType node)
        if(node.tag == INT_ONLY)
            return node.intValue;
            case '+':
                return answer(node.left) + answer(node.right);
            case '-':
                return answer(node.left) - answer(node.right);
            case '*':
                return answer(node.left) * answer(node.right);
            case '/':
                return answer(node.left) / answer(node.right);

The output build is;
1>c:\users\ben\documents\visual studio 2008\projects\test\test\expression1.cpp(34) : error C2059: syntax error : ')'
1>c:\users\ben\documents\visual studio 2008\projects\test\test\expression1.cpp(39) : error C2059: syntax error : ')'

Those are the errors I'm getting at the lines I've specified(lines don't line up to same on here). Any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated.

oh shoot, sorry



namespace Student

enum TagType //For labeling data content in a binary expression tree node.

struct NodeType //For nodes in a binary expression tree.
    TagType tag;
    union //Note that this union type is "anonymous".
        int intValue;
        struct //And this struct type is also anonymous.
            NodeType* left;
            char op;
            NodeType* right;

class Expression
    bool Expression::isRead
        istream& inStream //inout
    Determines if a valid expression can be read from inStream and, if so,
    reads and stores the expression.
    @param inStream The input stream from which the expression is read.
    @return true if an expression has been successfully read from inStream,
    otherwise false.
    @pre inStream has been initiallzed and is open for reading.
    @post inStream is still open for reading. An expression may or may not
    have been successfully read.

    void display() const;
    Displays an arithmetic expression. If the expression is a single
    non-negative integer, it simply displays that integer. Otherwise
    it displays the expression fully parenthesized, with a single
    blank space before, and a single blank space after, each operator.
    @pre This expression has been initialized.
    @post This expression has been displayed, as above, starting from
    the current cursor position. Note too that this method does not
    terminate the line on which the expression is displayed.

    int getValue() const;
    Returns the value of this expression.

    NodeType eTree;

} //End of this part of namespace Student


also, the isRead function is taken care of by my profs .obj file. So I don't have a written function for that

Your signatures are inconsistant. Once you fix there will be other problems...

void writeNode(NodeType* node);
void writeNode(NodeType node)

ok, that has been fixed, but I'm still getting the same errors. The new code

using namespace std;
#include "expression.h"

namespace Student
    void writeNode(NodeType* node);
    Displays an arithmetic expression.
    @pre The node is initialized.
    @post This node has been displayed.

    int answer(NodeType* node);
    returns the value of the SUB_NODE, or the value
    if node is just an int.
    void Expression::display() const
        writeNode(eTree*);    //error here

    int Expression::getValue() const
        return answer(eTree*);  //error here
    void writeNode(NodeType* node)
        if(node->tag == SUB_NODE)
            cout<< node->op;
        else if(node->tag == INT_ONLY)
    int answer(NodeType* node)
        if(node->tag == INT_ONLY)
            return node->intValue;
            case '+':
                return answer(node->left) + answer(node->right);
            case '-':
                return answer(node->left) - answer(node->right);
            case '*':
                return answer(node->left) * answer(node->right);
            case '/':
                return answer(node->left) / answer(node->right);

What is eTree??

void Expression::display() const
    writeNode(eTree*);    //error here

it is the head node of the expression tree.

do you want to pass eTree * or perhaps &eTree

^^yes actually I do, but if i change that eTree is a const NodeType* while each recursive call will simply be NodeType*

try this and see what happens, then figure out how it should be fixed

struct node_t
    node_t *left;
    node_t *right;

void something(node_t *)

int main()
    node_t node;

    something(node*); // #1 what is this??
    something(&node); // #2 pass a pointer to node

Line 35 in class Expression, you are missing semicolon at the end.

istream& inStream //inout

thats a parameter for the function

Also, just out of curiosity, why did you decide to use an anonymous struct below?

struct NodeType //For nodes in a binary expression tree.
    TagType tag;
    union //Note that this union type is "anonymous".
        int intValue;
        struct //And this struct type is also anonymous.
            NodeType* left;
            char op;
            NodeType* right;

that part was done by my prof. In all honesty, I'm not quite sure

If eTree is a NodeType you have to call function(NodeType* node) like so: function(&eTree);

Ask him why when you get a chance, probably has a good reason, although anonymous struct is not part of the c++ standard to the best of my knowledge.

Will do, I have found a way that works. Thanks for your help. In case your curious this is my new code

using namespace std;
#include "expression.h"

namespace Student
    void writeNode(const NodeType* node);
    Displays an arithmetic expression.
    @pre The node is initialized.
    @post This node has been displayed.

    int answer(const NodeType* node);
    returns the value of the SUB_NODE, or the value
    if node is just an int.
    void Expression::display() const

    int Expression::getValue() const
        return answer(&eTree);
    void writeNode(const NodeType* node)
        if(node->tag == SUB_NODE)
            cout<< " "<<node->op<<" ";
        else if(node->tag == INT_ONLY)
    int answer(const NodeType* node)
        if(node->tag == INT_ONLY)
            return node->intValue;
            case '+':
                return answer(node->left) + answer(node->right);
            case '-':
                return answer(node->left) - answer(node->right);
            case '*':
                return answer(node->left) * answer(node->right);
            case '/':
                return answer(node->left) / answer(node->right);

Now I have the functions with const parameters and NodeType* node

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