Enzo85 0 Newbie Poster

Hello everyone I am new to this site. I have a university assignment in which I need to program a 2 player pacman game, using C and the Unix operating system. If more than 2 users have typed the command to run the program/s the users must wait in FIFO fashion until the current game ends, and then a new one starts. How can I divide this program into different files? could I have a map file which is shared, and a program file which reads the map file and moves the pacman? how can these be synchronised for a 2 player game with 2 different user IDs? regarding the graphics the ncurses library has to be used. Can you please help me out in how I could program this game and what IPCs (Sockets are not allowed) I can use to synchronise the processes for the 2 players since I am new to C and Unix? I have attached a file which better describes what I'm trying to do. Any Help is much appreciated.