Having trouble stopping my do,while loop. It asks the right questions, and I thought I had the right qualifier, while blah>0, do such and such, but it continues in the loop and keeps asking the questions
Here's what i've got:

  cout<<"Now let's subtract the door and window area."<<"How many doors do you have?"<<endl;
  cin>> doors;
  cout<<"How many windows do you have?";
  while (doors > 0)
        cout<< "Please enter the height of door in inches"<<endl;
        cout<<"Please enter the width of the door in inches"<<endl;
        cin >>d_width;
                    while( doors >0, doors--);

                     cout<< "Please enter the height of windowin inches"<<endl;
        cout<<"Please enter the width of the windowin inches"<<endl;
        cin >>w_width;
              tw_area =(w_height*w_width)/144;
while (windows>0, windows--);

Any help would be appreciated

crud, I'm an idiot, I just answered my own problem. I didn't have the doors-- on the first while expression.. just tired, 45 hours of overtime last week and haven't had a day off in five weeks. Thanks

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