This question has been bothering me all day.
if I'm trying to pull out all strings that are in a txt file
and all start with "abcde"
is there anyway to find them, and copy the strings??
assuming the txt file contains lots of text

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Look up the methods of the string class. There's a lot you can do with it.

I'm think of using getline()
by using pos=str.find(abcde)
I can locate the str and make a substr till the end of line or specified length
is that gana work? or any other faster way?

one more question
by using my method, can I stop the substr at certain char such as whitespace?

Sounds like your idea will work well. Try it and see.

I don't know about stopping at whitespace, but you can certainly find whitespace after your substring is found.

thanks to WaltP's help
I'm able to figure out a way to solve my problem
here is the structure of my code
hope it will help others

using namespace std;

int main()
string imgURL, line;
size_t pos, found;
ifstream myfile; ("1.txt");
ofstream writefile; ("2.txt");
    getline(myfile, line);
    found=line.find("some text");
      pos=line.find("some text");
      //use method like erase or specify a range to copy the string you want

return 0;      
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