Hey everyone, I'm new to the site, this site returned the most results when trying to look for relevant information so here i am. I have seen people write questions to assignments on here without trying expecting people to answer the assignment question. And ive also seen people steal code and ask for a pseudocode breakdown.
I hope i fall in neither of those categories as they seemed to get laughed at quite a bit i am just looking for some clarification in my code to determine if it is correct to start programming in C++. I havent given the question to the assignment as i am led to believe with a good pseudo code you should be able to determine the idea of the program.
READ Loan_Amount THEN
IF Loan_Amount <=$0.00 or >$100,000 THEN
error_message ='Loan amount is under $0.00 or exceeds $100,000'
PRINT error_message
READ Loan_Amount THEN
IF Loan_Amount <$25,000 THEN
Calculate Deposit_Amount = 0.05*Loan_Amount
ELSE IF Loan_Amount >=$25,000 and <$50,000 THEN
Calculate Deposit_Amount = (0.10*Loan_Amount) + $1,250
ELSE IF Loan_Amount >=$50,000 and <=$100,000 THEN
Calculate Deposit_Amount = (0.25*Loan_Amount) + $5,000
PRINT Loan_Deposit
Thanks to anyone in advance who can help.