How do you override a superclass's methods with a subclass? These are my two programs, the first being the super class, and the second being the subclass of which I am attempting to override the superclass's methods.

// This class represents a walker with two feet.

import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import javax.swing.JPanel;

public class Walker extends JPanel
  public static final int PIXELS_PER_INCH = 6;
  private Foot leftFoot, rightFoot;
  private int stepLength;
  public int stepsCount;

  // Constructor
  public Walker(int x, int y, Image leftPic, Image rightPic)
    leftFoot =  new Foot(x, y - PIXELS_PER_INCH * 4, leftPic);
    rightFoot = new Foot(x, y + PIXELS_PER_INCH * 4, rightPic);
    stepLength = PIXELS_PER_INCH * 12;

  // Returns the left foot
  public Foot getLeftFoot()
    return leftFoot;

  // Returns the right foot
  public Foot getRightFoot()
    return rightFoot;

  // Makes first step, starting with the left foot
  public void firstStep()
    stepsCount = 1;

  // Makes next step
  public void nextStep()
    if (stepsCount % 2 == 0)  // if stepsCount is even
      leftFoot.moveForward(2 * stepLength);
      rightFoot.moveForward(2 * stepLength);

    stepsCount++;  // increment by 1

  // Stops this walker (brings its feet together)
  public void stop()
    if (stepsCount % 2 == 0) // if stepsCount is even

    stepsCount++;  // increment by 1

  // Returns the distance walked
  public int distanceTraveled()
    return stepsCount * stepLength;

  // Draws this walker
  public void draw(Graphics g)
// This class represents a subclass of Walker.

import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Graphics;

public class Bystander extends Walker
  public static final int PIXELS_PER_INCH = 6;
  private Foot leftFoot, rightFoot;
  private int stepLength;
  private int tapsCount;

  // Constructor
  public Bystander(int x, int y, Image leftPic, Image rightPic)
    super(x, y, leftPic, rightPic);

  // Returns the left foot
  public Foot getLeftFoot()
    return leftFoot;

  // Returns the right foot
  public Foot getRightFoot()
    return rightFoot;

  // Makes first step, starting with the left foot
  public void firstStep()
    tapsCount = 1;

  // Makes next tap
  public void nextStep()
    if (stepsCount % 2 == 0)  // if stepsCount is even

    tapsCount++;  // increment by 1

  // Stops this walker (brings its feet together)
  public void stop()
    if (tapsCount % 2 == 0) // if stepsCount is even

    tapsCount++;  // increment by 1

  // Returns the distance walked
  public int distanceTraveled()

  // Draws this walker
  public void draw(Graphics g)

This should probably be moved to the Java forum.

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