Jennifer84 0 Posting Pro


I have a INotifyPropertyChanged function with rdNum declared as seen.

Now, I need to programatically add rdNum2 to the INotifyPropertyChanged function in the rdInsert_Click event.

How is this possible to do?

public class Window1 : INotifyPropertyChanged 
            private string _rdNum;  
            public string rdNum  
                    return _rdNum;  
                    _rdNum = value;  
 private void rdInsert_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 
        //How to programatically put rdNum2 to Window1 ? 
                                  DataGridTextColumn newcolumn = new DataGridTextColumn(); 
                            newcolumn.CellStyle = (Style)this.Resources["CellStyle"]; 
                            newcolumn.Width = DataGridLength.Auto; 
                            newcolumn.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray); 
                            newcolumn.IsReadOnly = true; 
                            newcolumn.Header = "NewColumn"; 
                            newcolumn.Binding = new Binding("rdNum2"); 
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