I know you don't do homework for people. But I'm not really sure where else to turn to, because my online tutor for my class isn't really helping. I'll show you the code I have. (I worked about 6 hours on it, honestly. I'm really really bad at this.) If you don't want to help, I understand.

The problem is: In a gymnastics or diving competition, each contestant's score is calculated by dropping the lowest and highest scores received and then adding the remaining scores. Write a program that allows the user to enter eight judges' scores and outputs the points received by the contestant. Format your output with two decimal places.

Here is what I have: (Please don't make fun of the fact that it just took me 6 freaking hours to do this.) My error is with the max and min element. I've never used that before. In fact, I just found them at the back of the book. We haven't actually gotten to algorithms. I couldn't think of anything else to use to find the highest and lowest scores. Thanks so so much if anyone replies!!!!!!

// Gymnastics Competition Problem
// Laura Ade

#include <iostream>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::cin;
using std::fixed;

#include <iomanip>

using std::setprecision;

#include <algorithm> // algorithm definitions

using std::max_element;
using std::min_element;

int main()
double score; // individual judge's score
double min_element; // lowest score
double max_element; // highest score
double subtotal; // includes min and max scores
double final; // final score
int scoreCounter; // number of scores to be entered next

// Initialization Phase
subtotal = 0; // initialize final
scoreCounter = 1; // initialize loop counter

// Processing Phase
while ( scoreCounter <= 7 ) { // loop 8 times
cout << "Enter individual judge's score: "; // prompt for input
cin >> score; // read score from user
subtotal = subtotal + score; // add score to subtotal
scoreCounter = scoreCounter + 1; // add 1 to counter

// Termination Phase
final = subtotal - max_element - min_element; // drop highest & lowest score

// Display Result
cout << "Final score is " << final << endl;

return 0; // indicate program ended successfully

The code in BLUE it is where i change/add. The min_element and max_element is a function that return the maximum and minimum value.

// Gymnastics Competition Problem
// Laura Ade

#include <iostream>

using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
using std::fixed;

#include <iomanip>
using std::setprecision;

#include <algorithm> // algorithm definitions
using std::max_element;
using std::min_element;

int main()
	double score; // individual judge's score
	double subtotal; // includes min and max scores
	double final; // final score
	int scoreCounter;// number of scores to be entered next

	[I]double array[7];]//  create an array to hold the score enter by user 
	int array_size = 7;[/I]// the size of the array
	subtotal = 0; // initialize final
	scoreCounter = 1; // initialize loop counter

// Processing Phase
	while ( scoreCounter <= 7 ){ // loop 8 times
	cout << "Enter individual judge's score: "; // prompt for input
cin >> score; // read score from user
		array[scoreCounter-1] = score;
		subtotal = subtotal + score; // add score to subtotal
		scoreCounter = scoreCounter + 1; // add 1 to counter

// Termination Phase

	 double max = *max_element( array, array+array_size);
	 double min =*min_element( array, array+array_size);
final = subtotal - max - min;// drop highest & lowest score

// Display Result

	cout << "Final score is " << final << endl;

	return 0; // indicate program ended successfully


<< moderator edit: added [co[u][/u]de][/co[u][/u]de] tags >>

Thank you so much! There are still a couple of errors in there, but I worked on it for about an hour and fixed them. Thank you!

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