ok.. so im trying to make a function to find a par of cards with the same suit value for a game of 5 card poker. Here is what i have so far:

my main:

int main (void)
	/* initialize suit array */
	const char *suit[4] = {"Hearts", "Diamonds", "Clubs", "Spades"};

	/* initialize face array */
	const char *face[13] = {"Ace", "Deuce", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight",
		"Nine", "Ten", "Jack", "Queen", "King"};

	Card hand1[5];

	/* initalize deck array */
	int deck[4][13] = {0};

	srand ((unsigned) time (NULL)); /* see random-number generator */

	shuffle (deck);
	deal (deck, face, suit, hand1);

	return 0;

my functions:

#include "function.h"

/* shuffle cards in deck */

void shuffle (int wDeck[][13])
	int row = 0;    /* row number */
	int column = 0; /*column number */
	int card = 0;   /* card counter */

	/* for each of the 52 cards, choose slot of deck randomly */
	for (card = 1; card <= 52; card++)
		/* choose new random location until unoccupied slot found */
			row = rand () % 4;
			column = rand () % 13;
		} while (wDeck[row][column] != 0);

		/* place card number in chosen slot of deck */
		wDeck[row][column] = card;

/* deal cards in deck */
void deal (const int wDeck[][13], const char *wFace[], const char *wSuit[], Card hand[])
	int row = 0;    /* row number */
	int column = 0; /*column number */
	int card = 0;   /* card counter */
	/* deal each of the 52 cards */
	for (card = 1; card <= 5; card++)
		/* loop through rows of wDeck */
		for (row = 0; row <= 3; row++)
			/* loop through columns of wDeck for current row */
			for (column = 0; column <= 12; column++)
				/* if slot contains current card, display card */
				if (wDeck[row][column] == card)
					printf ("%5s of %-8s%c", wFace[column], wSuit[row], card % 2 == 0 ? '\n' : '\t');
					hand[card-1].card_num = card;
					hand[card-1].face = column;
					hand[card-1].suit = row;

and the header file:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

typedef struct card
	int card_num;
	int suit;
	int face;
} Card;

void shuffle (int wDeck[][13]);
void deal (const int wDeck[][13], const char *wFace[], const char *wSuit[], Card hand[]);

ANY help is appreciated.

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All 4 Replies

What problem are you having?

What problem are you having?

i have no idea where how to even start writing the function. it needs to detect an N-of-a-kind basically. my code runs and there is no error on that part.

You really just need to look for duplicates. For any card in the hand that has more than one instance, maintain a count along with the value of the card. If the count is 2 you have a pair, 3 you have three of a kind, etc...

You really just need to look for duplicates. For any card in the hand that has more than one instance, maintain a count along with the value of the card. If the count is 2 you have a pair, 3 you have three of a kind, etc...

i know what the basic idea is. i do not know how to implement that with the struct and other stuff i have in my code. we have to use the struct. its part of the grade..

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