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Hi gyes

I need any solution about login form
I have 3 from (formLogin, formUsers, FormAdministrator)
In formLogin i have 2 textbox for user and password and 2 radiobutton who check if I click radiobuttonuser to open formUser and if i click on radiobutonAdmin to open formAdministrator.

how can I realise it with base on access

if u have any other think for it u are welcome


Have you bothered to search at all on your own? I did and found a ton of examples immediately.

"how can I realise it with base on access"

What do you mean by this?

Member Avatar for alex-i


In CSharp Windows Application

I have 3 from (formLogin, formUsers, FormAdministrator)
In formLogin i have 2 textbox, txtuser, txtpassword and Login Button

Database is in access
I Have 4 fills in t_Authentication (table)

ID - data type Autonumber
User - data type Text
Password - data type Text
Priviledge - data type Yes/No

the data on t_Authenticatin are

ID | user | Password | Priviledge
1 | admin | passadmin | check
2 | user | passuser | uncheck

What I need
If I write in txtuser admin and txtpassword passadmin(in formLogin) and click Login Button, to check if priviledge is checked and if it's true to open fromAdministrator


If i Write in txtuser user and txtpassword passuser and click Login Button, to check if priviledge is unchecked and if it's true to open fromUser

So... you have or have not bothered to look for any examples? You just want someone to write this for you?

What have you tried yourself? Post code. Post specific questions.

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