
I have an assignment. My assignment includes the following tasks to be implemented under Linux:

– Display a list of all available files (with their types) in the working directory,
– Display a list of only regular files in the working directory,
– Display a list of only directories in the working directory,
– Run a program within the shell (shell should not terminate after execution),
– Change the current working directory,
– Display information about a given filename (size, type, etc),
– Change file mode,

• Do not use system() function.
• Use execl [/execlp/execle/execv/execvp] only in runCommand() function.

I need some info and resources. Which libraries and functions do I need to achieve this functionalities?

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Please! You should have access to the information you need in your class materials to fulfill this assignment. At least make an effort to solve the problem before you ask us to do your work for you... :-(

He did not ask to do the assigment!

Which libraries and functions do I need to achieve this functionalities?

And sorry, I do not know much about Linux.

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