abdul04 0 BSc Computer Science

Hi, i have written this block of code which deletes a record from a file, it works to some extent. i can delete existing records but at the second deletion and i display the file contents, i get some gibberish. also i cannot delete records which i have added to the file.

struct DATA
int ID;
char Item[30];
double price;
char comments[30];

DATA dim;  
	cout<<"Enter the id of the record you wish to delete: ";
	cin >> id;

	remove.seekg(id * sizeof(DATA));
	remove.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&dim), sizeof(DATA));
	dim.ID = 0;          //i'm attempting to change the values for the record 
	strcpy(dim.Item, " ");  //selected so i can then overwrite it to the file
	dim.price = 0;
	strcpy(dim.comments, " ");

	remove.seekp(id * sizeof(DATA), ios::beg);
	remove.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&dim), sizeof(DATA));
	remove << dim.ID << dim.Item << dim.price << dim.comments <<endl;