131 Topics

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Member Avatar for alexxx1

Hello everyone. I have built a website which I've attached to my bio on Instagram. What I'd like to achieve is to make it open on my phone's (default) browser, safari or whatever that may be. By default, all bio links open in the app's browser. But I saw it …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for indigo_4

It has to be said that Apple in recent years has not had any particularly eye-catching upgrades. Even, some features that users like very much have been removed, such as fingerprint unlocking. I'm using iPhone 13 now, if I wear makeup sometimes, iPhone 13 can't recognize my face. Once, I …

Member Avatar for Ja sa bong
Member Avatar for AsifJavaid_1

Hi All, I am Asif. I want to develop a mobile application in Android and iOS using Google AR spatial api. After running the sample applications in Google Code Labs, we are getting an error, VPS is not available in your region. Yes we know it is available mostly in …

Member Avatar for graceweb
Member Avatar for devxzap

I am a UAE based student looking to develop a Fintech mobile application that handles p2p transactions, card payments and merchant solutions. I don't have a coding background looking for resources. How can I start?

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Mindmade
Member Avatar for afnanshaikh1223
Member Avatar for Mahnonog

Hello everyone, can you recommend a resource for downloading videos from YouTube? I will be very grateful

Member Avatar for lucytaylor01
Member Avatar for 格式塔工作
Member Avatar for Mindmade
Member Avatar for Mindmade
Member Avatar for Mindmade

Hi Guyz, Why is Include high-grade encryption and a reliable SSL in your list of mobile app development security practices is important?

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Mindmade
Member Avatar for rproffitt

Am I out of date? For over a decade I never worried about any virus on MacOS/iOS. But https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/11di44n/do_i_need_antivirus_for_a_macbook/ is kicking it around like you need such a thing. And while I tend to be precise, folk today call everything a virus even if it's a trojan, malware or a …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for peter.ding
Member Avatar for peter.ding

How do I get the physical keys of a connected Bluetooth device and set system related functions for the keys As shown here: ![IMG_57177A6B2642-1.jpeg](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/7aa01a1f769619a4221e30317b5f9f83.jpeg) ![IMG_5E8A6E9B5D86-1.jpeg](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/bd4254b2df72e705ffcdef69b223fa6a.jpeg) ![IMG_26BB5884272B-1.jpeg](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/d7de67d43f5a4254a7ae3be5f837f7b8.jpeg)

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for peter.ding

I have a requirement that says something like this, I need to make an ios app that reads the hardware data that's being sent, it's ble hid based, and now I need an objective-c demo. Somebody tell me. Thank you

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Member Avatar for ClarenceKenn
Member Avatar for Naheedmir
Member Avatar for Adrian_3

I have read the microsoft documentation about creating a databinding source and target in order to change and update a Bindable property. Please can someone show me, with an example, of a **C# Data Binding of a dynamic CanvasView.X** property being changed by a slider. The CanvasView is created dynamically …

Member Avatar for focalhot

Hello guys, i made an app icons generator Iconify. It is built with HTML, JavaScript and css. It can generate a full set of icons in various sizes for Android, Ios, Flutter, React Native, Windows Phone, etc. The product is for free and everyone can try it out. I will …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for beltonengratis

Hi everyone! Is there a way to delete ring tones from an iPhone? I linked my phone with my Windows 10 computer and iTunes, but under the tones section there is no list of tones to find and I have a couple of tones I do not want anymore. All …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for mandylymba3
Member Avatar for DarkSlash

Im making a game in Unity 2019, I export it to iOS, then open it with Xcode 11.6, I make all the signing process, but when I want to build it I get: > 81 duplicate symbols for architecture arm64 and here is the full description: https://justpaste.it/5uj8p I tried: * …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Taufik R

Many aspiring entrepreneurs want to start their business online but quite a few of this lot actually succeeds in turning their awesome application idea into reality. The question arises, what to do with a crazy app idea? Generally, businesses having their own mobile apps, ensure a strong connection with their …

Member Avatar for SimonIoa

Hello i ve tried to upload my first app on the App Store but i got this mesage from Apple. Any ideas how to proceed? *Your app provides a limited user experience as it is not sufficiently different from a mobile browsing experience. As such, the experience it provides is …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for jollyswagman

Hello, I want to know if the following is fact or fiction. I'm told you can build one codebase in ReactNative,** then compile out Binaries for iOS, Android and Windows with little customization.** To clarify...''...the heavy lifting R&D is done in RN, and the Binaries "just pop out" with little …

Member Avatar for Antionne
Member Avatar for harukichi

My mac book is a little angry so I take the drive nd used it as external. How I run my IOS on windows pc?

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for TovinoThomas

Okay so I have been downloading gifs and sending them in the messenger to my friends for years now. But a few weeks ago, something changed. Whenever I download it and send it, the gif is supper choppy with maybe 2 frames per second and the colors are compressed as …

Member Avatar for heyanil673
Member Avatar for BakerJQ

Github Link: [https://github.com/BakerJQ/Flutter-InfiniteCards](https://github.com/BakerJQ/Flutter-InfiniteCards)

Member Avatar for terrie4

Does anyone know about robovm??? It is a platform to make ios apps in java. I need it for a new project I´m working on in a nearshore outsourcing company.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for nocoded

I have a function that returns an array of photos and videos from an iOS device's camera roll. The info is returned correctly, however, I'm also needing to return the path to the photo and video which I've been unable to do so far. Here is the code I'm using. …


The End.