can i write XML with JAVA ?
if can ,can anyone tell me what book should i read ?

Moving to the Java forum. I think you'll get better response there.

to work with xml in Java, using JDom could help you out.

there's enough documentation on the site itself to help you advance.

can i write XML with JAVA ?

A billion Java programs and libraries doing just that wound indicate that you haven't done any research of your own.
And as those include the core class libraries of the JDK itself, you're a very poor excuse for a developer.

if can ,can anyone tell me what book should i read ?

Do your own research, kiddo. A 10 second search of the product documentation tells you a lot, some other websites a simple search would turn up, or just entering "Java XML" into the search box at would also yield a lot of resources.

If you're too incompetent or lazy to do even that, why should we do it for you?

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