I have an application in C#, .Net 2.0.
I want it to run on Mac. The application has .cs files, .exe etc. What of the file should I put in the .dmg file?

You should put any file that is needed in order for your app to run correctly/properly. What are you confused about specifically? .dmg files are disk images, and for mac thats how the os installs programs. With that said, you should compile your app and publish it, test it, then try to put it on your mac. Hope this helps! Have a great Friday!

You should put any file that is needed in order for your app to run correctly/properly. What are you confused about specifically? .dmg files are disk images, and for mac thats how the os installs programs. With that said, you should compile your app and publish it, test it, then try to put it on your mac. Hope this helps! Have a great Friday!

If I put every .cs file, .exe file etc. in the .dmg, will the .dmg work on Mac? If yes, what is Mono for, then?

im not fully understanding your issue, when you publish an app, it puts all the appropriate files in the exe for you. So you should, theoretically, just need to put the exe in the .dmg for it to work. And where are you getting Mono?

im not fully understanding your issue, when you publish an app, it puts all the appropriate files in the exe for you. So you should, theoretically, just need to put the exe in the .dmg for it to work. And where are you getting Mono?

Well I tried creating .dmg and put the .exe in it, and it didn't work!
I read that for running .Net apps on Mac I will need Mono.

What .net framework are you working with? Also, it seems to me that Mono is only needed for compiling the app on a Mac. Which you arent trying to do. But im not forshore. I know Mono is for developing cross-platform apps so you might have to use Mono in Windows to get the app to work in Mac, as it needs the .NET framework in Mac for your app to work. Atleast thats what Google is telling me. But my advice is research into Mono to see if its necessary. Then if it is, install it, build your app from Mono, then try to put it on your mac. Even if this doesnt fully help you please give me a rep point for trying to help you :)

What .net framework are you working with? Also, it seems to me that Mono is only needed for compiling the app on a Mac. Which you arent trying to do. But im not forshore. I know Mono is for developing cross-platform apps so you might have to use Mono in Windows to get the app to work in Mac, as it needs the .NET framework in Mac for your app to work. Atleast thats what Google is telling me. But my advice is research into Mono to see if its necessary. Then if it is, install it, build your app from Mono, then try to put it on your mac. Even if this doesnt fully help you please give me a rep point for trying to help you :)

I'm working with .Net 2.0.

yea okay I just read that you need a program that is for cross-platform developing/publishing(MONO). So download Mono, get used to the interface, and use Mono to publish your app for Mac:) I suggest youtubing it up or just find a tutorial anywhere you can to be a little more comfortable with Mono:)

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