Do you have any loading screen coded in c++ graphics?? Pls. I need some.

What's big deal ? just search in google and you will find plenty.

What's big deal ? just search in google and you will find plenty.

how about the log on screen with username and password of an admin.. coded with graphics. i can't find one in google..

how about the log on screen with username and password of an admin

What do you mean by that?
Do you want to replace the welcome screen of windows?..Is that your real intention?

What do you mean by that?
Do you want to replace the welcome screen of windows?..Is that your real intention?

nope, it's not like that we have our case study.. it's a library system with logon screen where in username and password is there.. it is coded with graphics.. do you know the code?

If you're wanting to work with graphics rendering in C++ I would recommend the SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) library.

Take a look at for more information, there are some good tutorials for you and it should get you started in no time (:

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