Another noob question here.. Im a frshman programming student and I don't have the best instructor. I've just finish doing a simple inventory system Vb6 + MS Access database. My question is how can I save the database path? because whenever I change computer from Home to School I need to reconnected all the database connections.. or else a "/db/.mdb is not a valid path" error pops out.. I still can't figure it out how to set a database path... I hope you kinda understand my question. sorry for my bad english. I really need some help or guidance.. thanks

You have several options. First and simplest is to have the database and the application in the same directory. Then the connection path is ".\db.mdb" and it will always look in current directory, no matter where you execute from.

If that's not an option (as in you have to point to a shared directory), then you could do some error trapping in your app so if the first connection attempt fails it tries the second connection. You just have to have constants to contain the various paths in question.

Next, if you know how to do text file reading/writing you could save the path into a config file and have your app read the config file before connecting. Then you just have to change the path in the config file when you go from home to school.

Next after that (and probably hardest) is put an entry in an INI file and use GetPrivateProfileString to read the entry. You'll have to Google that to find out how to use it properly. I don't really recommend this unless you're fairly advanced in VB.

Hope those ideas help. Good luck!

commented: Provides common sense solutions to solve common problems. A practical programmer. +5

My question is how can I save the database path? because whenever I change computer from Home to School I need to reconnected all the database connections.. or else a "/db/.mdb is not a valid path" error pops out.. I still can't figure it out how to set a database path...

Show the line that is causing the error and it would be easier to help.

BitBlt has a good suggestion: trapping the error. Your home path for the database file and the school path shouldn't change and you should know the path names.

Private Sub ConnectToDB()
     On Error GoTo DBCONNECT_ERR
     Dim strDbPath as String
     strDbPath = strHomePath
     Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
     Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
     With cn
          .Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.01"
          .Open strDbPath & "\db\My.mdb", ...., ,,
     End with
     Exit Sub
     if strDbPath = strHomePath then
          strDbPath = strSchoolPath
          strDbPath = strHomePath
     End if  strDbPath & "\db\My.mdb"
     Resume Next
End Sub

This error trap just assumes that the error will be a bad path. Uuually, you want to trap the error, look at the err.Number, and then decide on what course of action to take based on the error code. But this should give you an idea. This example assumes you're at home and that you've already hard coded values for the home path and the school path in a variable that's available for the ConnectToDb sub routine.

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