korobaton 0 Newbie Poster

SO YEH MY problem is its not reading the whole file and inputing it to the stucture..
i believe that the problem lies in the adt.( the last source code on the bottom)
in the private adt search function, insert function, and traversal.....

ive been wreking my brains out trying to figure it out but
i need to get this right ..... T____T
any help would be cool

input.txt file

HU Hungary; Budapest; 10006835
MX Mexico; Mexico City; 106202903
CN China; Beijing; 1306313812
NP Nepal; Kathmandu; 27676547
MU Mauritius; Port Louis; 123060


    This header file contains the functions to maintain
	and process a linked list.

//  Singly-Linked List ADT Type Definitions 

typedef struct node 
	struct node* prev;
	struct node* forw;
	void *dataPtr;
} NODE; 

typedef struct
	int   count; 
	NODE* pos;
	NODE* head; 
	NODE* rear;
	int    (*compare) (void* argu1, void* argu2); 

//  List ADT Prototype Declarations: public functions 
	LIST* createList   (int (*compare)
	                   (void* argu1, void* argu2));

	LIST* destroyList  (LIST* list);

	int   addNode   (LIST* pList, void* dataInPtr);

	int   removeNode   (LIST*  pList,
	                    void*  keyPtr,
	                    void** dataOutPtr);

	int   searchList   (LIST*  pList,
	                    void*  pArgu,
	                    void** pDataOut);

	int   retrieveNode (LIST*  pList,
	                    void*  pArgu,
	                    void** dataOutPtr);

	int   traverse     (LIST*  pList,
	                    int    fromWhere,
	                    void** dataOutPtr);
	int   reverse      (LIST*  pList,
	                    int    fromWhere,
	                    void** dataOutPtr);

	int   listCount    (LIST*  pList);
	int   emptyList    (LIST*  pList);
	int   fullList     (LIST*  pList);

main FILE

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cType.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <crtdbg.h> 
#include "linkListADT.h"

typedef struct  
   char ID[3];           
   char* country;      
   char* cap;      
   long int pop;

	LIST* buildList     (void);
	void  printInstr    (void);
	void  process       (LIST* list);
	char  getChoice     (void);
	void  printList     (LIST* list);
	void  printCount    (LIST* list);
	void  search        (LIST* list);
	void  delete_info   (LIST* list);
	void  insert_info   (LIST* list);
	void  print_capital (LIST* list);
	void  reverseList   (LIST* list);
	int   cmpID    (void* pID1, void* pID2);

int main (void)
//	Local Definitions 
	LIST* list;
	COUNTRY *borders;
	printInstr ();
	list = buildList ();
	process (list);

	traverse (list, 0, (void**)&borders);

		} while (traverse (list, 1, (void**)&borders));
    list = destroyList(list);

	printf("\n\t\tEnd of program - LINKED LISTS"
		   "\n\t\tHave a great day!\n");    
    printf( _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks() ? "Memory Leak\n" : "No Memory Leak\n");
	return 0;
}	// main 

/*	================== printInstr =================
	Print instructions to user.
	   Pre    nothing
	   Post   instructions printed
void printInstr (void)
//	Statements 
	printf("U Can Do IT!!!!!!!\n");
}	// instr 

/*	==================== cmpID ====================
	Compares two years in PICTURE structures
	   Pre  year1 is a pointer to the first structure
	        year2 is a pointer to the second structure
	   Post two years compared and result returned
	Return -1 if year1 less; 0 if equal; +1 greater

int cmpID (void* pID1, void* pID2)
//	Local Definitions 
	int   result;
	char ID1[3];
	char ID2[3];

//	Statements 
	strcpy(ID1 , ((COUNTRY*)pID1)->ID);
	strcpy(ID2 , ((COUNTRY*)pID2)->ID);

	if (strcmp(ID1, ID2) < 0)
	    result = -1;
	else if (strcmp(ID1, ID2) > 0)
	    result = +1;
	    result = 0;
	return result;

}	// cmpYear 

/*	==================== buildList ====================
	Reads a text data file and loads the linked list
	Pre    file exists in format: yy \t 'pic' \t 'dir'
	Post   list contains data
	       -or- program aborted if problems
LIST* buildList (void)
//	Local Definitions 
	FILE* fpData;
	LIST* list;
	COUNTRY* borders;

	int  addResult;
	char buffer[60];
	char tcountry[20];
	char tcap[15];

//	Statements 
	list   = createList (cmpID);
	if (!list)
	    printf("\aCannot create list\n"),
	           exit (100);
	fpData = fopen("countries.txt", "r");
	if (!fpData)
	    printf("\aError opening input file\n"),
	           exit (110);

	while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, fpData))
	    borders = (COUNTRY*) malloc(sizeof(COUNTRY));
	    if (!(borders))
	        printf("\aOut of Memory in build list\n"),
	               exit (100);

		sscanf(buffer,"%2s %[^;] %*c %[^;] %*c %ld", borders->ID , tcountry, tcap, &borders->pop);
		borders->country = (char*) calloc (strlen(tcountry)+1, sizeof(char));
		strcpy(borders->country, tcountry);
		borders->cap = (char*) calloc (strlen(tcap)+1, sizeof(char));
		strcpy(borders->cap, tcap);

	    // Insert into list 
	    addResult = addNode (list, borders);
	    if (addResult != 0)
	        if (addResult == -1)
	            printf("Memory overflow adding movie\a\n"),
	                    exit (120);
	            printf("Duplicate ID: %s not added\n", borders->ID);

	   } // while 

	return list;
}	// buildList 

/*	================== printList ==================
	Prints the entire list
	   Pre    list has been created
	   Post   list printed
void printList (LIST* list)
//	Local Definitions 
	COUNTRY* borders;
//	Statements 
	// Get first node 
	if (listCount (list) == 0)
	   printf("Sorry, nothing in list\n\n\a");
	    traverse (list, 0, (void**)&borders);
			printf("%s %s %s %ld\n",borders->ID, borders->country, borders->cap, borders->pop);
	      } while (traverse (list, 1, (void**)&borders));
	   } // else 

}	// printList 

/*	================== revereseList ==================
	Prints the entire list
	   Pre    list has been created
	   Post   list printed
void reverseList (LIST* list)
//	Local Definitions 
	COUNTRY* borders;
//	Statements 
	// Get first node 
	if (listCount (list) == 0)
	   printf("Sorry, nothing in list\n\n\a");
	    reverse (list, 0, (void**)&borders);
			printf("%s %s %s %ld\n",borders->ID, borders->country, borders->cap, borders->pop);
	      } while (reverse (list, 1, (void**)&borders));
	   } // else 

}	// printList 

/*	=================== process ===================
	Process user choices
	Pre    list has been created
	Post   all of user's choice executed
void process (LIST* list)
//	Local Definitions 
	char choice;

//	Statements 
	    choice = getChoice ();

	    switch (choice)
	        case 'P': printList (list);
	        case 'B': reverseList (list);
	        case 'L': print_capital (list);
	        case 'S': search (list);
	        case 'I': insert_info (list);
	        case 'D': delete_info (list);
	        case 'C': printCount (list);
	        case 'M': process (list);
	        case 'E': break;
	       } // switch 
	   } while (choice != 'E');
}	// process 

/*	================== getChoice ==================
	Prints the menu of choices.
	   Pre    nothing
	   Post   menu printed and choice returned
char getChoice (void)
//	Local Definitions 
	char choice;
	int  valid;
//	Statements 
	printf("======== MENU ======= \n"
		   "P : Print Forward\n"
		   "B : Print Backward\n"
		   "L : Print the countries whose capital\n" 
		   "    begins with a letter of choice\n" 
		   "S : Search \n"
		   "I : Insert\n"
		   "D : Delete \n"
		   "C : Display the number of elements in the list\n"
		   "M : Print Menu \n"
           "E : Exit. \n");
		printf("\nCHOICE :");
	    scanf(" %c", &choice);
	    choice = toupper(choice);
	    switch (choice)
	        case 'P':  //chk
	        case 'B':
	        case 'L': 
	        case 'S':  //chk
	        case 'I':  //chk
	        case 'D':  //chk
	        case 'C':  //chk
	        case 'M':  //chk
	        case 'E': valid = 1;
	        default:  valid = 0;
	                  printf("\aInvalid choice\n"
	                         "Please try again: ");
	       } // switch 
	   } while (!valid);
	return choice;
}	// getChoice

/*	==================== search ====================
	Searches for year and prints year, picture, and
	   Pre    list has been created
	          user has selected search option
	   Post   year printed or error message
void search (LIST* list)
//	Local Definitions 
	char    ID[3];
	int     found;
	int		i;
	COUNTRY  pSrchArgu;
    COUNTRY* borders;

//	Statements 
	printf("Enter Country ID: ");
	scanf ("%s", ID);
	for(i=0; i<2; i++)
	  ID[i] = toupper(ID[i]);

	strcpy(pSrchArgu.ID, ID);
	found = searchList (list, &pSrchArgu, (void**)&borders);

	if (found)
		printf("%s %s %s %ld\n",borders->ID, borders->country, borders->cap, borders->pop);
	    printf("Sorry, but %s is not available.\n", ID);
}	// search 

/*	==================== delete_info ====================
	Searches for year and prints year, picture, and
	   Pre    list has been created
	          user has selected search option
	   Post   year printed or error message
void delete_info (LIST* list)
//	Local Definitions 
	char    ID[3];
	int     found;
	int		i;
	COUNTRY  pSrchArgu;
    COUNTRY* borders;

//	Statements 
	printf("Enter Country ID: ");
	scanf ("%s", ID);
	for(i=0; i<2; i++)
	  ID[i] = toupper(ID[i]);

	strcpy(pSrchArgu.ID, ID);	
	found = searchList (list, &pSrchArgu, (void**)&borders);

	if (found)
			removeNode(list, &pSrchArgu,(void**)&borders);
			printf("ID: %s and any info involving it has been deleted\n\n", ID);
	    printf("Sorry, but %s is not available.\n", ID);

}	// search 

/*	==================== insert_info ====================
	Searches for year and prints year, picture, and
	   Pre    list has been created
	          user has selected search option
	   Post   year printed or error message
void insert_info (LIST* list)
//	Local Definitions 
	char    ID[3];
	int     found;
	int		i;
	char tcountry[20];
	char tcap[15];
	COUNTRY  pSrchArgu;
    COUNTRY* borders;
    COUNTRY* borders_new;

//	Statements 
	printf("Enter Country ID you want to enter to the list: ");
	scanf ("%s", ID);
	for(i=0; i<2; i++)
	  ID[i] = toupper(ID[i]);

	strcpy(pSrchArgu.ID, ID);
	found = searchList (list, &pSrchArgu, (void**)&borders);

	if (found)
	    printf("Sorry, but %s is can not have duplicates.\n"
		       "Its already in the list.\n", ID);
	    borders_new = (COUNTRY*) malloc(sizeof(COUNTRY));
		strcpy(borders_new->ID, ID);
		printf("ENTER COUNTRY NAME:");
		scanf ("%s", tcountry);
		borders_new->country = (char*) calloc (strlen(tcountry)+1, sizeof(char));
		strcpy(borders_new->country, tcountry);

		scanf ("%s", tcap);
		borders_new->cap = (char*) calloc (strlen(tcap)+1, sizeof(char));
		strcpy(borders_new->cap, tcap);

		scanf ("%ld", &borders_new->pop);

	    i = addNode (list, borders_new);
	    if (i != 0)
	        if (i == -1)
	            printf("Memory overflow adding movie\a\n"),
	                    exit (120);
			printf("Country added\n");

}	// search 

/*	==================== printCount ====================
	   Pre    L

void  printCount  (LIST* list)

	printf("The number of elements in the list are: %d\n\n", list->count);


/*	================== print_capital ==================
	Prints the entire list
	   Pre    list has been created
	   Post   list printed
void print_capital (LIST* list)
//	Local Definitions 
	COUNTRY* borders;
	char capital;
//	Statements 
	scanf("%c", &capital);
	// Get first node 
	if (listCount (list) == 0)
	   printf("Sorry, nothing in list\n\n\a");
	    traverse (list, 0, (void**)&borders);
			if(borders->cap[0] == toupper(capital))
			  printf("%s %-15s %-15s %-5ld\n",borders->ID, borders->country, borders->cap, borders->pop);
	      } while (traverse (list, 1, (void**)&borders));
	   } // else 
}	// printList


    This file contains the definitons of the functions to maintain
	and process a linked list:

    Public Functions:

    Private Functions:

#include <stdlib.h>

#include "linkListADT.h"   /* <== public functions */

/* private functions */
static int  _insert  (LIST*  pList, NODE* pPre,  NODE* pSuc, void* dataInPtr);
static void _delete  (LIST*  pList, NODE*  pPre, NODE*  pLoc, NODE* pSuc, void** dataOutPtr);
static int  _search  (LIST*  pList, NODE** pPre, NODE** pLoc, NODE** pSuc, void*  pArgu);

    ============== Public Functions =================

/*	=============== createList ==============
	Allocates dynamic memory for a list head
	node and returns its address to caller
	   Pre    compare is address of compare function 
	          used to compare two nodes.
	   Post   head has allocated or error returned
	   Return head node pointer or null if overflow 
LIST* createList (int (*compare) (void* argu1, void* argu2))
//	Local Definitions 
	LIST* list;
	NODE* lead;
	NODE* tail;

//	Statements 
	list = (LIST*) malloc (sizeof (LIST));
	lead = (NODE*) malloc (sizeof (NODE));
	tail = (NODE*) malloc (sizeof (NODE));

	if (list)
		list->head    = lead;
	    list->pos     = NULL;
	    list->rear    = tail;
	    list->count   = 0;

		lead->forw = tail;
		lead->prev = NULL;
		lead->dataPtr = NULL;

		tail->forw = NULL;
		tail->prev = lead;
		tail->dataPtr = NULL;
	    list->compare = compare;
	   } // if 
	return list;
}	// createList 

/*	================== addNode =================
	Inserts data into list.
	   Pre    pList is pointer to valid list
	          dataInPtr pointer to insertion data
	   Post   data inserted or error
	   Return -1 if overflow
	           0 if successful
	           1 if dupe key
int addNode (LIST* pList, void* dataInPtr)
//	Local Definitions 
	int  found;
	int  success;
	NODE* pPre;
	NODE* pLoc;
	NODE* pSuc;
//	Statements 
	found = _search (pList, &pPre, &pLoc, &pSuc, dataInPtr);
	if (found)
	   // Duplicate keys not allowed 
	   return (+1);

	success = _insert (pList, pPre, pSuc, dataInPtr);
	if (!success)
	   // Overflow 
	   return (-1);
	return (0);
}	// addNode 

/*	================= removeNode ================ 
	Removes data from list. 
	   Pre    pList pointer to a valid list
	          keyPtr pointer to key to be deleted
	          dataOutPtr pointer to data pointer
	   Post   Node deleted or error returned.
	   Return false not found; true deleted
int removeNode  (LIST*  pList, void*  keyPtr, void** dataOutPtr)
//	Local Definitions 
	int  found;
	NODE* pPre;
	NODE* pLoc;
	NODE* pSuc;
//	Statements 
	found = _search (pList, &pPre, &pLoc, &pSuc, keyPtr);
	if (found)
	   _delete (pList, pPre, pLoc, pSuc, dataOutPtr);
	return found;
}	// removeNode 

/*	================== searchList ================= 
	Interface to search function. 
	   Pre    pList pointer to initialized list.
	          pArgu pointer to key being sought
	   Post   pDataOut contains pointer to found data
	     -or- NULL if not found
	   Return boolean true successful; false not found 
int searchList (LIST*  pList, void* pArgu, void** pDataOut)
//	Local Definitions 
	int  found;
	NODE* pPre;
	NODE* pLoc;
	NODE* pSuc;

//	Statements 
	found = _search (pList, &pPre, &pLoc, &pSuc, pArgu);
	if (found)
	    *pDataOut = pLoc->dataPtr;
	    *pDataOut = NULL;
	return found;
}	// searchList 

/*	================== retrieveNode ================ 
	This algorithm retrieves data in the list without
	changing the list contents. 
	   Pre    pList pointer to initialized list.
	          pArgu pointer to key to be retrieved
	   Post   Data (pointer) passed back to caller
	   Return boolean true success; false underflow
int  retrieveNode (LIST*  pList, void*  pArgu, void** dataOutPtr)
//	Local Definitions 
	int  found;
	NODE* pPre;
	NODE* pLoc;
	NODE* pSuc;
//	Statements 
	found = _search (pList, &pPre, &pLoc, &pSuc, pArgu);
	if (found)
	    *dataOutPtr = pLoc->dataPtr;
	    return 1;
	   } // if 

	*dataOutPtr = NULL;
	return 0;
}	// retrieveNode 

/*	================= emptyList ================
	Returns boolean indicating whether or not the
	list is empty
	   Pre    pList is a pointer to a valid list 
	   Return boolean true empty; false list has data 
int emptyList (LIST* pList) 
//	Statements 
	return (pList->count == 0);
}	// emptyList 

/*	================== fullList =================
	Returns boolean indicating no room for more data.
	This list is full if memory cannot be allocated for
	another node. 
	   Pre    pList pointer to valid list 
	   Return boolean true if full
	                  false if room for node 
int fullList (LIST* pList) 
//	Local Definitions 
NODE* temp;

//	Statements 
if ((temp = (NODE*)malloc(sizeof(*(pList->head->forw)))))
	    free (temp);
	    return 0;
	   } // if 

	// Dynamic memory full 
	return 1;

}	// fullList 

/*	================== listCount ==================
	Returns number of nodes in list.
	   Pre    pList is a pointer to a valid list
	   Return count for number of nodes in list
int listCount(LIST* pList) 
//	Statements 

	return pList->count; 
}	// listCount 

/*	================== reverse =================
	Reversely traverses a list. Each call either starts at the
	beginning of list or returns the location of the 
	next element in the list.
	   Pre    pList       pointer to a valid list
	          fromWhere   0 to start at first element
	          dataPtrOut  address of pointer to data
	   Post   if more data, address of next node 
	   Return true node located; false if end of list
int  reverse (LIST*  pList,
              int    fromWhere,
              void** dataPtrOut)
//	Statements 
	if (pList->count == 0)
	    return 0;

	if (fromWhere == 0)
		 //Start from first node 
	    pList->pos  = pList->rear->prev;
	    *dataPtrOut = pList->pos->dataPtr;
	    return 1;
	   } // if fromwhere 
	    // Start from current position 
	    if (pList->pos->prev == pList->head)
	        return 0;
	        pList->pos  = pList->pos->prev;
	        *dataPtrOut = pList->pos->dataPtr;
	        return 1;
	       } // if else 
	   } // if fromwhere else 
}	// traverse 

/*	================== traverse =================
	Traverses a list. Each call either starts at the
	beginning of list or returns the location of the 
	next element in the list.
	   Pre    pList       pointer to a valid list
	          fromWhere   0 to start at first element
	          dataPtrOut  address of pointer to data
	   Post   if more data, address of next node 
	   Return true node located; false if end of list
int traverse (LIST*  pList,
              int    fromWhere,
              void** dataPtrOut)
//	Statements 
	if (pList->count == 0)
	    return 0;

	if (fromWhere == 0)
		 //Start from first node 
	    pList->pos  = pList->head->forw;
	    *dataPtrOut = pList->pos->dataPtr;
	    return 1;
	   } // if fromwhere 
	    // Start from current position 
	    if (pList->pos->forw == pList->rear)
	        return 0;
	        pList->pos  = pList->pos->forw;
	        *dataPtrOut = pList->pos->dataPtr;
	        return 1;
	       } // if else 
	   } // if fromwhere else 
}	// traverse 

/*	================== destroyList =================
	Deletes all data in list and recycles memory
	   Pre    List is a pointer to a valid list.
	   Post   All data and head structure deleted
	   Return null head pointer
LIST* destroyList (LIST* pList) 
//	Local Definitions 
	NODE* deletePtr;

//	Statements 
	if (pList)

	    while (pList->count > 0) 
	        // First delete data 
	        free (pList->head->dataPtr);

	        // Now delete node 
		    deletePtr    = pList->head->forw;
			pList->head  = deletePtr->forw; 
	        free (deletePtr);

	       } // while 
	    free (pList);
	   } // if 
	return NULL;
}	// destroyList 

    ============== Private Functions ================
/*	================== _search =================
	Searches list and passes back address of node 
	containing target and its logical predecessor.
	   Pre    pList pointer to initialized list 
	          pPre  pointer variable to predecessor
	          pLoc  pointer variable to receive node
	          pArgu pointer to key being sought
	   Post   pLoc points to first equal/greater key 
	     -or- null if target > key of last node
	          pPre points to largest node < key
	     -or- null if target < key of first node
	   Return boolean true found; false not found 

static int _search (LIST*  pList, NODE** pPre, NODE** pLoc, NODE** pSuc,  void*  pArgu)
//	Macro Definition 
//#define COMPARE      ( ((* pList->compare) (pArgu, (*pLoc)->dataPtr)) )
#define COMPARE      ( pList->compare(pArgu, (*pLoc)->dataPtr) )

//#define COMPARE_LAST ((* pList->compare) (pArgu, pList->rear->dataPtr))
#define COMPARE_LAST ( pList->compare(pArgu, pList->rear->prev->dataPtr) )

//	Local Definitions 
	int result;

//	Statements 
	*pPre  = pList->head;
	*pLoc  = pList->head->forw;
	*pSuc  = pList->rear;
	if (pList->count == 0)
	    return 0;

	// Test for argument > last node in list 
	if ( COMPARE_LAST > 0) 
		*pPre = pList->rear->prev;
		*pLoc = NULL;
		*pSuc = pList->rear;
	    return 0;
	   } // if 

	while ( (result = COMPARE) > 0 )
	    // Have not found search argument location 
		*pPre = (*pLoc);
		*pLoc = (*pLoc)->forw;
		*pSuc = (*pLoc)->forw;
	   } // while 
	if (result == 0)
	   // argument found--success 
	   return 1;
	   return 0;
}	// _search 

/*	=================== _insert ================== 
	Inserts data pointer into a new node.
	   Pre    pList pointer to a valid list 
	          pPre  pointer to data's predecessor 
	          dataInPtr data pointer to be inserted 
	   Post   data have been inserted in sequence 
	   Return boolean, true  if successful, 
	                   false if memory overflow 
static int _insert (LIST* pList, NODE* pPre, NODE* pSuc, 
                     void* dataInPtr)
//	Local Definitions 
	NODE* pNew;

//	Statements 
	if (!(pNew = (NODE*) malloc(sizeof(NODE))))
	   return 0;

	pNew->dataPtr   = dataInPtr; 
	pNew->forw      = pSuc;
	pNew->prev		= pPre;
	pPre->forw      = pNew;
	pSuc->prev      = pNew;

	return 1;
}	// _insert 

/*	================= _delete ================ 
	Deletes data from a list and returns 
	pointer to data to calling module.
	   Pre    pList pointer to valid list.
	          pPre  pointer to predecessor node
	          pLoc  pointer to target node
	          dataOutPtr pointer to data pointer
	   Post   Data have been deleted and returned 
	          Data memory has been freed
void _delete (LIST* pList, NODE*  pPre,
              NODE* pLoc,  NODE* pSuc, void** dataOutPtr)
//	Statements 
	*dataOutPtr = pLoc->dataPtr;
	pPre->forw = pLoc->forw;
	pSuc->prev = pLoc->prev;	 

	free (pLoc);

}	// _delete