skootles 0 Newbie Poster

I have a C# program that I run on a Windows PC and a camera app running on a Windows CE6 terminal. The two are connected using Activesync 4.5. From the PC app, I want to be able to do the following.

1. Launch the terminal app
2. With the terminal app running, tell it to start a process like image preview
3. With the terminal app running, tell it to take a picture
4. Shut down the terminal app

In other words, I want to write the programs such that I have control over a running application from another app, with Activesync in the middle. I already use CRAPI to do something like this with a C++ terminal console app, but I want to use a C# gui app on the terminal instead.

Does anyone have experience doing this and can you post snippets of code to help me?

