I tried to compile the program and I got these two errors and I do not know what they mean.
(Lab4 is the name of my program by the way)

Lab4.java:22: incompatible types
found : java.lang.String
required: double
double fedwithHolding = "FedTax * GrossPay";

Lab4.java:26: incompatible types
found : java.lang.String
required: double
statewithHolding = "StateTax * GrossPay";

and it is pointing to my " marks...the one right before the F in FedTax and the one right before the S in StateTax

double fedwithHolding = "FedTax * GrossPay";

There and probably with the other one too: You are declaring a double (a number with decimal points). Then, you assign a Strkng to it. Double and String are two types, and you must make variables which the type that marches with the content.

In the code above, you should remove the "". Anything surrounded by "" is a string.

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