Hi all,

I need help in the following problem.

I have a data file containing 100 columns, with different number of rows.
I would like to read for example the columns from 45 to 56 and calculate something on these columns one by one, let's say calulate the mean value or make a histogram.

Could anybody help me how to do this?

I suppose I need a function in which the parameter list is somehow flexible, according to the range I want to read in...


You can use a specific character(# in example) and count them to know which coloumn and row it is...Good Luck!

Hi all,

I need help in the following problem.

I have a data file containing 100 columns, with different number of rows.

How can a file have a different number of rows?

I would like to read for example the columns from 45 to 56 and calculate something on these columns one by one, let's say calulate the mean value or make a histogram.

Could anybody help me how to do this?

What have you got?

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