Hi I require assistance on how to show browsing First, Next Previous and Last in C#. I need to split a text file with numerous records to show this information and I am struggling. If i could get a helping hand it would b much appreciated.



Read the text file records into an array or some other list data structure. Let's call it myList for this example.
Create a reference to the current record. Let's call it currentRecord for this example.
Create a reference (int) to the current record's index in the list. Let's call it currentIndex for this example.

Here is how I would write the First and Previous methods. Next is opposite of Previous and Last is opposite of First so I will leave them to you.

public void First()
  // make sure we can get the data
  if (myList.Count > 0)
    // first index in the list is 0
    currentIndex = 0;
    currentRecord = myList[currentIndex];
    currentIndex = -1; // -1 to indicate nothing selected
    currentRecord = null;

public void Previous()
  // ensure we can get a previous record
  if (myList.Count > 0 && currentIndex > 0)
     // decrement the current index and update the current record
     currentRecord = myList[currentIndex];
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