Hi, i am new to java and just want to know if java is heavily used in software.
And if we use it to make large applications, will it run slow ??

Short answer: Java is very widely used in commercial and corporate applications. It runs at least as fast as any other serious programming language except hand-tuned C code.

Ok thanks but is it better to learn c++ then java or the opposite ?
I already know basics in c++

Depends on what kind of programming work you want to do. C/C++ for really technical stuff, C# or Java for more commercial stuff (less exciting but more jobs available).

<personal opinion>Personally I think that learning C++ first really harms people's understanding of object-oriented design, so I would recommend C# or Java first.</personal opinion>

Hi, i am new to java and just want to know if java is heavily used in software.
And if we use it to make large applications, will it run slow ??

adding to JamesCherrill's comment , I also suggest you to learn java which makes you to think in object oriented way .

(And if time permits learn both java and c++ :) )

Master one programming language(maybe java in your case) and keep in touch with other languages too.

Ok thanks,
I am learning c++ and java at the same time.
When i'll master them, i wanna move on to another language.
Is C still used and efficient ?
If not, is it better to learn c# and/or f#
thanks again

"When I'll master them"
it is practically impossible to completely 'master' a language like Java, cause of the broad supply of (non-)commercial frameworks and libraries out there.

you can off course become very good at the basics, and specialise in certain frameworks, which would make you a wanted asset on the job market, but completely master it ...

c is still used, and it will always be efficiënt. but you may want to consider: what kind of code/applications are you interested in writing? java and c are much alike, but they are used to write code for different kind of sollutions. it's like how letters are used to form words and digits are used to form numbers.

JamesCherrill already pointed out what the advantages of several languages are, so at this point you'll need to figure out which way you want to go, whether to specialise in one language, or go for a found knowledge of several languages, so you'll be able to perform several diferent tasks.

Ok thanks and happy new year.
when i said "when i'll master them" i meant when i'll master the core language.
I wanna develop programs that can connect to the internet, ping, scan network, etc.
So which language is most used for these kind of stuff ??
thanks again

the most guys I know working on projects like that, are developing in Java.
that does not mean: it's most used, it just means that it's most used by people I know.


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In general (in these times) it is better to have a working knowledge in as many programming languages as you can, rather than to be an expert in one programming language.
You will be more marketable, and it will be easier to find jobs and contracts.

Ok thanks and happy new year.
when i said "when i'll master them" i meant when i'll master the core language.
I wanna develop programs that can connect to the internet, ping, scan network, etc.
So which language is most used for these kind of stuff ??
thanks again

The general rule of the thumb is to have knowledge of:

  1. A language close to the metal and generates fast and native code. C or C++ are good contenders for this category.
  2. A language which can be used to execute quick n dirty tasks and prototyping. Python, Ruby or Perl fit nicely in this category
  3. A language which can be easily used to put up a web application without much fuss. Again, Python and Ruby are good contenders for this category.
  4. A language which has awesome commercial support, public following and guarantees job security. Java and C# along with their frameworks/libraries are good contenders for this category.
  5. Knowledge of the "shell" for the OS you work on. Shell scripting on *nix and Powershell for windows (or bat scripts if you are brave enough) fall in this category.

After that, feel free to learn any more languages which you learn to broaden the scope of your skills and knowledge.

Thanks everybody

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