my code is printing directly to the printer but i want to see the preview

Dim vlineCount As Integer
    Dim vpageCount As Integer
    Dim SN As Integer
    Dim sqlp As String
    vlineCount = 0
    vpageCount = 1
    SN = 0
    '//NOTE : Report file name should never contain blank space.
    Open App.Path & "\Report.txt" For Output As #1 '//Report file Creation
    '//Create Report Heading
    '//chr(27) & chr(71) & chr(14) - for Enlarge letter and bold
    '//chr(27) & chr(45) & chr(1) - for Enlarge letter and bold
    Print #1, Space(20) & Chr(27) & Chr(71) & Chr(14) & _
              Chr(27) & Chr(45) & Chr(1) & _
              "LABOUR DATA" & _
              Chr(27) & Chr(72) & Chr(20) & _
              Chr(27) & Chr(45) & Chr(0)        '//Bold Off

    '//Printing the header for Page
    Print #1, Space(3) & RepeatString("=", 123)
    Print #1, Chr(27) & Chr(27) & _
              Space(3) & AlignLeft("SNo.", 5) & Space(1) & _
              Space(1) & AlignLeft("NAME", 20) & Space(1) & _
              Space(1) & AlignRight("AGE", 5) & Space(1) & _
              Space(1) & AlignLeft("ADDRESS", 20) & Space(1) & _
              Space(1) & AlignLeft("Martial Status", 15) & Space(1) & _
              Space(1) & AlignLeft("Reg. No.", 12) & Space(1) & _
              Space(1) & AlignLeft("Reg. Officer's Sign.", 25) & _
              Chr(27) & Chr(72)  '//Bold Ends
    Print #1, Space(3) & RepeatString("=", 123)
    Set cn_pall = New ADODB.Connection
    With cn_pall
        .ConnectionString = cmd
    End With
    sqlp = "select * from labour_main where reg_no=" & Val(Text13.Text)
    Set rs_pall = New ADODB.Recordset
    If rs_pall.State = 1 Then rs_pall.Close
    rs_pall.CursorLocation = adUseClient
    rs_pall.Open sqlp, cn_pall, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
    Do While Not rs_pall.EOF
        'SN = SN + 1
        If vlineCount >= 50 Then '//Set number of lines per page according to yours
            vlineCount = 0
            '//ending this page
            Print #1, Space(3) & RepeatString("=", 123)
            Print #1, Space(3) & AlignRight("Page: " & vpageCount, 123)
            Print #1, Chr(13) '//Line break
            vpageCount = vpageCount + 1

            '//Printing the header for next Page
            Print #1, Space(3) & RepeatString("=", 123)
            Print #1, Chr$(27) & Chr$(27) & _
                    Space(3) & AlignLeft("SNo.", 5) & Space(3) & _
                    Space(3) & AlignLeft("NAME", 20) & Space(3) & _
                    Space(3) & AlignRight("AGE", 5) & Space(3) & _
                    Space(3) & AlignLeft("ADDRESS", 20) & Space(3) & _
                    Space(3) & AlignLeft("Martial Status", 15) & Space(2) & _
                    Space(3) & AlignLeft("Reg. No.", 14) & Space(3) & _
                    Space(3) & AlignLeft("Reg. Officer's Sign.", 25) & _
                    Chr$(27) & Chr$(72)  '//Bold Ends
            Print #1, Space(3) & RepeatString("=", 123)
        End If
        Print #1, Space(3) & AlignRight(rs_pall.Fields(0).Value, 5) & Space(1) & _
                  Space(1) & AlignLeft(UCase(rs_pall.Fields(1).Value), 20) & Space(1) & _
                  Space(1) & AlignRight(rs_pall.Fields(2).Value, 5) & Space(1) & _
                  Space(1) & AlignLeft(UCase(rs_pall.Fields(3).Value), 20) & Space(1) & _
                  Space(1) & AlignLeft(UCase(rs_pall.Fields(7).Value), 15) & Space(1) & _
                  Space(1) & AlignLeft(rs_pall.Fields(8).Value, 14) & Space(1) & _
                  Space(1) & AlignLeft(rs_pall.Fields(10).Value, 25)
        Print #1, Space(39) & AlignLeft(UCase(rs_pall.Fields(4).Value), 20)
        Print #1, Space(39) & AlignLeft(UCase(rs_pall.Fields(5).Value), 20)
        Print #1, Space(39) & AlignLeft(UCase(rs_pall.Fields(6).Value), 20)
        Print #1,
        '// printing Family Detail
        Set cn_child = New ADODB.Connection
        With cn_child
            .ConnectionString = cmd
        End With
        sql_child = "select * from labour_child1 where reg_no=" & Val(rs_pall.Fields(8))
        Set rs_child = New ADODB.Recordset
        If rs_child.State = 1 Then rs_child.Close
        rs_child.CursorLocation = adUseClient
        rs_child.Open sql_child, cn_child, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
        If rs_child.EOF = False Then
            Print #1, Space(3) & AlignLeft("FAMILY DETAILS", 15)
            Print #1, Space(3) & RepeatString("-", 135)
            Print #1, Space(3) & AlignLeft("NAME", 20) & Space(3) & _
                    Space(3) & AlignRight("AGE", 5) & Space(3) & _
                    Space(3) & AlignLeft("RELATION", 10)
            Print #1, Space(3) & RepeatString("-", 123)
        End If

        Do While Not rs_child.EOF
            Print #1, Space(3) & AlignLeft(UCase(rs_child.Fields(1).Value), 20) & Space(3) & _
                        Space(3) & AlignRight(rs_child.Fields(2).Value, 5) & Space(3) & _
                        Space(3) & AlignLeft(UCase(rs_child.Fields(3).Value), 10)
        Print #1,
        Set rs_child = Nothing
        Set cn_child = Nothing
        '//end of Family Detail
        '// Printing reg detai
        Set cn_child = New ADODB.Connection
        With cn_child
            .ConnectionString = cmd
        End With
        sql_child = "select * from labour_child2 where reg_no=" & Val(rs_pall.Fields(8))
        Set rs_child = New ADODB.Recordset
        If rs_child.State = 1 Then rs_child.Close
        rs_child.CursorLocation = adUseClient
        rs_child.Open sql_child, cn_child, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
        If rs_child.EOF = False Then
            Print #1, Space(3) & AlignLeft("REGISTRATION DETAILS", 22)
            Print #1, Space(3) & RepeatString("-", 123)
            Print #1, Space(3) & AlignLeft("REG./RENEW. DATE", 20) & Space(3) & _
                    Space(3) & AlignLeft("BANK/CASH", 20) & Space(3) & _
                    Space(3) & AlignRight("AMOUNT", 10) & Space(3) & _
                    Space(3) & AlignRight("BILL No.", 10)
            Print #1, Space(3) & RepeatString("-", 123)
        End If

        Do While Not rs_child.EOF
            Print #1, Space(3) & AlignLeft(Format(rs_child.Fields(1).Value, "dd/MM/yyyy"), 20) & Space(3) & _
                        Space(3) & AlignLeft(UCase(rs_child.Fields(2).Value), 20) & Space(3) & _
                        Space(3) & AlignRight(rs_child.Fields(3).Value, 10) & Space(3) & _
                        Space(3) & AlignRight(rs_child.Fields(4).Value, 10)
        Set rs_child = Nothing
        Set cn_child = Nothing
        '//end of registration detail
        Print #1,
        Print #1, Space(3) & AlignLeft("Remark :", 9) & _
                  AlignLeft(rs_pall.Fields(9).Value, 20)
        Print #1, Space(3) & RepeatString("=", 123)
        Print #1,
        vlineCount = vlineCount + 1
    '//End of the report
    Print #1, Space(3) & RepeatString("=", 123)
    Print #1, AlignRight("Page: " & vpageCount, 70)
    Close #1 '//Closing the file
    MsgBox "Report file generated" & vbCrLf & "Click OK to Print Report on Paper"
    Open App.Path & "\repo.bat" For Output As #1 '//Creating Batch file
    Print #1, "TYPE " & App.Path & "\Report.txt > PRN"
    Print #1, "EXIT"
    Close #1
    Set rs_pall = Nothing
    Set cn_pall = Nothing
    '//HERE write the proper path where your file exist
    Shell "C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMMAND.COM /C " & App.Path & "\REPO.BAT", vbHide

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All 2 Replies

Depends on how you want to see it. Simplest would be to just take the report.txt file, open it, line input it, then dump it into a textbox. Of course, there's the whole size limit thing to worry about.

Next possibility is to have a "Preview" button that creates the text file, then instead of your REPO.BAT file using "TYPE report.txt > PRN", you could just use "TYPE report.txt | MORE". This will display the output to the console and pause when the screen fills. If they don't want to go through the entire file, they can use the <ctrl>-<c> keystroke combination to abort.

Hope this helps! Good luck!

I don't really think that shelling out to a batch file is particularly good. It might be better to write to the printer directly yourself. you can open it as follows

open PRN for output as #2

As far as previewing, why don't you load the lines from the file into a list box then your user could scroll up and down through the report.

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