Ok you guys are my last hope, i've tried searching what i need and i cant find it. i really tried searching.... but i just don't know exactly what i'm really searching for...
i have to do the following project in c# (wrong post haha) but if you could help out in java i could just "translate" it to c# really doesn't matter http://personal.cityu.edu.hk/~dcrosela/teaching/04-05/dco20105/lab/figures/lab1/soln-one-uml-gou-cof.jpg so if anyone could help i'm stuck on the order part where it has to get a product i have a catalogProdcts<Products> that hold products so im not sure if i have to point my order to catalogproduct and use my method get product to retrieve a certian product heres some code...

public class Catalog

        private Generica<Product> lista;

        public Catalog() {
            lista = new Generica<Product>();

        public void agregar(Product prod) {

        public Product getProducto(int index) {
            return lista.get(index);
        public Product getProducto(String codigo){
		foreach (Product p in lista ){
			if (p._code.Equals(codigo)){
				return p;
		return null;

        public bool borrar(int index) {
            return lista.eliminar(index);

        public void modificar(int index, Product prod) {
            lista.modifica(index, prod);

        public int length() {
            return lista.Count;

public class Product 
        private String code;
        private String description;
        private double price;

        public Product(String code, String description, double price)
            this.code = code;
            this.description = description;
            this.price = price;
        public String _code
            get { return code; }

        public String _description
            get { return description; }

        public double _price
            get { return price; }

        public int CompareTo(object obj)
            if (obj is Product)
                Product prod = (Product)obj;
                if (this.price < prod.price)
                    return -1;
                    if (this.price > prod.price)
                        return 1;
                        return 0;
                throw new System.InvalidCastException("Tipos no comparables");

        public int CompareTo(Product other)
            if (other is Product)
                Product prod = (Product)other;
                if (this.price < prod.price)
                    return -1;
                    if (this.price > prod.price)
                        return 1;
                        return 0;
                throw new System.InvalidCastException("Tipos no comparables");

and what i have for orderItem

class OrderItem //: IComparable<OrderItem>
        int _quantity;
        private Product _product;

        public OrderItem(int quantity)
            this._quantity = quantity;

        public int quantity
            get { return quantity; }
            set { _quantity = value;  }
        public Catalog getProducto(String codigo)
            return c;

Help please!!!! (:

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Your UML actually tells you the solution. Your engine GourmetCoffee has a catalog object with a list of Products. You can invoke getProduct(String) on your catalog to get an Product to add to an OrderItem which is added to an Order. The order is added to a Sales object.

I'd imagine your GourmetCoffee would do something like this:

Catalog catalog = new Catalog();
		Sales sale = new Sales();
		Order order = new Order();
		OrderItem item = new OrderItem();
		item.setProduct(catalog.get("FooBar Blend"));
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