moe0 8 Newbie Poster


I need to write Age Category Calculator program but I'm not sure how!
I've to reed to inputs years and months

This is the instruction :

Write a subroutine for the button COMPUTE.
The application will compute the user’s number of years as follows: if the number of months is strictly less than 6 the computed number of years is equal with the number of years input by the user, otherwise it is one unit greater than the year number input by the user. We assume that the number of months will be always strictly less than 12.
The application will display the following age categories corresponding to the computed user’s number
Locate the Image property in the properties box
Then click the button with the three dots on it.

The following window will appear (without the flower)
Choose Local resources, click IMPORT and browse to find the file, choose the file for the picture and click OPEN. You will see the picture in the window. Click OK and the image will appear on your form.
If you select an image that is too big for the picture box, only part of it will be visible. The Picture Box control does not resize your image. Locate Size property and change the values for it.

of years
(x represents the computed user’s number of years):
(0, 1] infant --x
(1, 2] toddler --x
(2, 6] kindergarten --x
(6, 12] child --x
(12, 19] teenager --x
(19, 25] young adult --x
(25, 40] adult --x
(40, 60] middle aged --x
(60, 120] senior citizen --x
(‐∞, 0] Are your kidding? --x
(120, ∞) Are your kidding? --x
You must use a SELECT CASE statement to obtain the age categories.