Public Function AddSlashes(ByVal chk1 As String) As String
Dim ss As String
Dim ss1 As String
Dim spl As String
Dim i1 As Integer
Dim j1 As Integer
spl = "$':<>[]{+}""\"
ss1 = " "
Dim l As Integer
Dim chk As String
ss = chk1

For i1 = 1 To Len(ss)
        For j1 = 1 To Len(spl)
        chk = Mid(ss, i1, 1)
                If chk = Mid(spl, j1, 1) Then
                ss1 = ss1 + "\"
                End If
        Next j1
            ss1 = ss1 + Mid(ss, i1, 1)
Next i1
AddSlashes = Trim(ss1)
End Function

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