fka 0 Newbie Poster

Hello. Everything I have to do is just changing some specific text from first file to another text. I have a clue - read first file character by character to array while character != space. After that compare array with my replacement text and decide what action will be performed. That's my whole idea. I wrote some code:

org 100h

    mov     ax, 3D02h
    mov     dx, nameR
    int     21h

    mov     [readF], ax

    mov     ax, 3C02h
    mov     dx, nameS
    int     21h

    mov     [saveF], ax

    mov     bx, readF
    mov     bp, 10h

    mov     ah, 3Fh
    mov     dx, buffer
    mov     cx, bp
    int     21h

    mov     ah, 2Eh
    int     21h

    mov     bx, saveF
    mov     dx, buffer
    mov     ah, 40h
    mov     cx, bp
    int     21h

    mov     ah, 3Eh
    int     21h

    mov     ax, 4C00h
    int     21h 

nameS   db "new.txt", 0
nameR   db "s.txt", 0
readF   dd 0
saveF   dd 0
buffer: times 10h db 0

This code doesn't work :/ Compilation process is fine but program is not working. What's wrong with code above and is my idea correct?
I'm working on WinXP - 32b - NASM - x86.

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