So I'm working on an assignment where we have to make a deck of cards using a Card class and a Deck class and when I try and test the constructor by testing the size i get this:
Running 1 test*** glibc detected *** runner: free(): invalid pointer: 0x00902ff4 ***

I'm not sure why this is happening so I was wondering if you guys could give me a hand.

Edit: and before you ask I have all the proper .h included

Here is my Card constructor

    Card::Card(int r,int s)
    if ((r >= 1 && r <= 13)||(s>0&&s<5))
            suit = s;
            rank = r;
        rank = 0;
        suit = 5;


    #ifndef CARD_H
    #define CARD_H

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>

    using namespace std;

    class Card{
        Card(int r,int s);
        string getName() const;
        char getSymbol() const;
        int  getHCP() const;
        bool isLowerSuit(Card other) const;
        bool isLowerRank(Card other) const;
        bool isEqualSuit(Card other) const;
        bool isEqualRank(Card other) const;
        int rank;
        int suit;



    #ifndef DECK_H
    #define DECK_H

    #include "Card.h"

    using namespace std;

    typedef Card* CardPtr;

    class Deck{
        void reset();
        void shuffle();
        int getSize() const;
        CardPtr draw();
        CardPtr top(bool &valid);
        CardPtr cut() const;
        CardPtr topCard;
        int size;
        CardPtr pile[52];


and my Deck constructor

        int sCount=1;
        int rCount=1;

        for(size=1;size < 52;size++)
            for(sCount=1;sCount < 5;sCount++)
                    pile[size]=new Card(rCount,sCount);

ahah! I just had to get rid of the size loop, set sie to 0 and update size in the rCount loop

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