If the user inputs 1 the program will automatically create a new node..How? the maximum that I can do is 2..how to add node?
Code blocks are created by indenting at least 4 spaces
... and can span multiple lines

def *New(def *pHead){

def *temp;
temp = malloc(sizeof(def));

pHead->pNext = temp;
temp->pNext = NULL;

return temp;

void plusdata( def *pHead){
char D;
int s,r;
def *pNew, *current;
int count=0,i=0;


if((r == 1)){    
pNew = New(pHead);    
if(pNew->pNext == NULL)
printf("Nulling success!\n");

pHead->access.count = 4;
pNew->access.count = 2;

current = pHead;
while (current != NULL){

printf("%d: %d\n",count,current->access.count);
current = current->pNext;

pNew -> pNext = pHead;

printf("Count: %d\n",count);
}while(s == 1);

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All 2 Replies

Perhaps you can create a separate function which adds nodes and call it in your program. Something like this I guess:

    for (int i = 1; i < = n; i ++ ) {
        ptr = new Node;     //create new node
        ptr - > data = i;
        ptr - > next = NULL;
        lastNodePtr - > next = ptr;     // order is important 
        lastNodePtr = ptr;      

new is c++, not c.

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