i'm doing a game function which able to save and load game function, i want to do it in a simple way cause only a few information need to collect. :cry:

Here is the save method i use which able to write things into the .txt file which work correctly that the txt have the information wat it written.
-----Save (write to text file)
If respond = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then

'loop all the player status
For x = 1 To Val(NumPlayer.Text)
' write detail in the record
MsgBox("Game Saved", MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly)
Else : Exit Sub

End If

--------------- LOad function (read from .txt... i think problem were be here anyone know wat happen?? sory to said that i cant use the "for loop" cause i cant use too much array where my system cannot handle with it so used in the old method. i found out that is only read the first line of my entire text file.. and the other value was empty.. like didnt access to it...

If respond = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then

strmw = File.OpenText(filePath)

'loop the player status according to the "num" value
num = strmw.ReadLine()
If num = "1" Then
game.Pname1.Text = strmw.ReadLine()
game.PP1.Text = strmw.ReadLine()
game.counter1.Text = strmw.ReadLine()
game.PTurn.Text = strmw.ReadLine() 'get whos turn

ElseIf num = "2" Then
game.Pname1.Text = strmw.ReadLine()
game.PP1.Text = strmw.ReadLine()
game.counter1.Text = strmw.ReadLine()
game.Pname2.Text = strmw.ReadLine()
game.PP2.Text = strmw.ReadLine()
game.counter2.Text = strmw.ReadLine()
game.PTurn.Text = strmw.ReadLine() 'get whos turn

ElseIf num = "3" Then
ElseIf num = "4" Then
End If
MsgBox("Loading sucess", MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly)
Else : Exit Sub

End If


Are you having problem when you write to the file or when you read the file?

how did you define "strmw"? is it defined as a StreamWriter?

I see that you are reding with the same variable (StreamWriter). Try to declare a varible type StreamReader to read from the file and another one type StreamWriter to write to the file.

Also check this website, they exlplain in detail how to perform these two actions.


Hope it helps

i define it as Dim strmw As StreamReader,
i having problem when i read the txt line. is didnt get the value form the txt.file.... not sure wat happen...


Are you having problem when you write to the file or when you read the file?

how did you define "strmw"? is it defined as a StreamWriter?

I see that you are reding with the same variable (StreamWriter). Try to declare a varible type StreamReader to read from the file and another one type StreamWriter to write to the file.

Also check this website, they exlplain in detail how to perform these two actions.


Hope it helps

ohh~ i solve the problem!! is nothing wrong with my code but is my label set to visible false so i cant see anything hahahah :P

i'm doing a game function which able to save and load game function, i want to do it in a simple way cause only a few information need to collect. :cry:

Here is the save method i use which able to write things into the .txt file which work correctly that the txt have the information wat it written.
-----Save (write to text file)
If respond = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then

'loop all the player status
For x = 1 To Val(NumPlayer.Text)
' write detail in the record
MsgBox("Game Saved", MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly)
Else : Exit Sub

End If

--------------- LOad function (read from .txt... i think problem were be here anyone know wat happen?? sory to said that i cant use the "for loop" cause i cant use too much array where my system cannot handle with it so used in the old method. i found out that is only read the first line of my entire text file.. and the other value was empty.. like didnt access to it...

If respond = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then

strmw = File.OpenText(filePath)

'loop the player status according to the "num" value
num = strmw.ReadLine()
If num = "1" Then
game.Pname1.Text = strmw.ReadLine()
game.PP1.Text = strmw.ReadLine()
game.counter1.Text = strmw.ReadLine()
game.PTurn.Text = strmw.ReadLine() 'get whos turn

ElseIf num = "2" Then
game.Pname1.Text = strmw.ReadLine()
game.PP1.Text = strmw.ReadLine()
game.counter1.Text = strmw.ReadLine()
game.Pname2.Text = strmw.ReadLine()
game.PP2.Text = strmw.ReadLine()
game.counter2.Text = strmw.ReadLine()
game.PTurn.Text = strmw.ReadLine() 'get whos turn

ElseIf num = "3" Then
ElseIf num = "4" Then
End If
MsgBox("Loading sucess", MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly)
Else : Exit Sub

End If

Why dont you just use an Ini file that would be the idea then you can maybe encrypt it so people playing the Game couldnt cheat
SaveName=My Saved Game

somthing like that would work geat i think

i have a ini Handler you might be able to use and its real simple.

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