this works fine but i was wondering if there a way to recreate my insert function without returning any thing. for ex right now in my insert function iam return a function. but i want to recreate it so that its

 void insert(char *li)

here is my code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#define COMMAND_ARG   3
#define IN_FILE_ARG   1
#define OUT_FILE_ARG  2
#define SSIZE         16

struct tree_node
  char line[SSIZE];
  struct tree_node *left_child;
  struct tree_node *right_child;
struct tree_node *head;

/* Prototypes for the functions */
struct tree_node*  insert(struct tree_node* ,char *);
int max_string(struct tree_node *);
int max_height(struct tree_node *);
int max_leaves(struct tree_node *);

/* argc(how many command entered-output(3)) */
/* argv(point to 1st char-output(point to p)) */
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int count0 = 0;
  int count1 = 0;
  int count2 = 0;
  int count3 = 0;
  int count4 = 0;
  int count5 = 0;
  int count6 = 0;

  char line[SSIZE];

  FILE *finp;
  FILE *foutp;

  /*** Check for 3 commands ***/
  if(argc != COMMAND_ARG) 
      fprintf(stderr, "Error - Enter three commands.\n");
  /*** Open and read input file ***/
  if((finp = fopen(argv[IN_FILE_ARG], "r")) == NULL)
      fprintf(stderr, "Could not open file: %s.\n", argv[IN_FILE_ARG]);
  /*** Open and write output file ***/
  if((foutp = fopen(argv[OUT_FILE_ARG], "w")) == NULL)
      fprintf(stderr, "Could not open file: %s.\n", argv[OUT_FILE_ARG]);

  /* Read lines from input file */
  while(fscanf(finp, "%s", line) != EOF)
      head = insert(head, line);

  /*** Call funct and store in counts ***/
  count0 = max_string(head);              //String
  count1 = max_height(head);              //Height
  count2 = max_leaves(head);              //Leaves
  count3 = max_height(head->left_child);  //Left leave
  count4 = max_string(head->left_child);  //Left string
  count5 = max_height(head->right_child); //Righ leave
  count6 = max_string(head->right_child); //Right string

  /* If height is negitve number than change to zero */
  if(count1 <= 0) { count1 = 0; }
  if(count3 <= 0) { count3 = 0; }
  if(count5 <= 0) { count5 = 0; }

/*** Write in ouput file ***/
fprintf(foutp,"Total number of strings in the input file: %d\n", count0);
fprintf(foutp,"The height of the binary search tree: %d\n", count1);
fprintf(foutp,"The number of leaves in the binary search tree: %d\n", count2);
fprintf(foutp,"The height of the left subtree of the root: %d\n", count3);
fprintf(foutp,"The number of strings in the left subtree of the root: %d\n",count4);
fprintf(foutp,"The height of the right subtree of the root: %d\n", count5); 
fprintf(foutp,"The number of string in the right subtree of the root: %d\n",count6);      

/* Close input file */
 if(fclose(finp) == EOF)
     fprintf(stderr, "Error in colsing file %s.\n", argv[IN_FILE_ARG]);
 /* Close output file */
 if(fclose(foutp) == EOF)
     fprintf(stderr, "Error in closing file %s.\n", argv[OUT_FILE_ARG]);
 return 0;

struct tree_node * insert(struct tree_node *head, char *li)
  if(head == NULL)
      head = (struct tree *)malloc(sizeof(struct tree_node));
      if(head == NULL)
      printf("Node allocation failed.\n"); fflush(stdout);
      strcpy(head->line, li);
      head->left_child = NULL;
      head->right_child = NULL;
      return head;
      if(strcmp(head->line, li) < 0)
      head->right_child = insert(head->right_child, li);
       head->left_child = insert(head->left_child, li);

/* total number of string in the input file */
int max_string(struct tree_node *head)
  if(head == NULL)
      return 0;
  else if(head->left_child = NULL && head->right_child == NULL)
      return 1;
      //add 1 for head/root
      return (max_string(head->left_child)) +
         (max_string(head->right_child)) + 1;

/* height of the binary search tree */
int maz_string(struct tree_node *head)
  int left = 0;
  int right = 0;

  if(head == NULL)
      return -1;
      left = max_height(head->left_child);
      right = max_height(head->right_child);
  //find biggest numner and return it to main
  if(left > right)
      return left + 1;
      return right + 1;

/* number of leaves in the binary search tree */
int max_leaves(struct tree_node *head)
  if(head == NULL)
      return 0;
  else if(head->left_child = NULL && head->right_child == NULL)
      return 1;
      return (max_string(head->left_child)) +

Your code is already to go really. Just make these changes:

  /* Read lines from input file */
  while(fscanf(finp, "%s", line) != EOF)
      insert(head, line);

void insert(struct tree_node *head, char *li)
  if(head == NULL)
      head = (struct tree *)malloc(sizeof(struct tree_node));
      if(head == NULL)
      printf("Node allocation failed.\n"); fflush(stdout);
      strcpy(head->line, li);
      head->left_child = NULL;
      head->right_child = NULL;
      if(strcmp(head->line, li) < 0)
      insert(head->right_child, li);
       insert(head->left_child, li);

Happy coding!

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