skatamatic 371 Practically a Posting Shark

Lately at work I've been asked to create a .Net form full of DevExpress controls into something easy to work with.

DevExpress controls are the opposite of this, most guages with a needle and a display box are actually 10 different controls combined. I am looking to simplify this into 1 control with a small group of useful properties.

I am somewhat familiar with the ComponentModel and some of the designer flags, but am looking to go a bit further. Specifically, I would like to have some behaviours at design time, others at runtime, and some at both. I would also like to add some UI to the controls at design time (like for a tab control, to be able to cycle between pages in the designer). As far as I can tell, there isn't an easy way to fire events in designer mode like you can in runtime mode.

Does anybody have any pointers or good reference material for this stuff? (MSDN doesn't seem very well documented for the features I am looking for)