hi i write this code in perl
i dont know why that not work...

sub Again
        $dirtoget= $_[0];
        if(opendir(DH, $dirtoget))
            @thefiles = readdir(DH); 

                foreach $f (@thefiles)
                     next if ($f eq "." or $f eq "..");
                     print "$f\n";
                     if(-d "$dirtoget/$f")

   $dirtoget = "c:/Exam";


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Hello moshe12007,
To make your script work why not just use use strict and declare all your variable with my, as i have done below in case 1, and I believe your code should work. However, except for just checking out how recursion works on file directory using Perl, I think you might want to consider the case 2 code which is more effective and faster.

case 1:

use warnings;
use strict;

sub Again {
my $dirtoget = $_[0];
if ( opendir( DH, $dirtoget ) ) {
    my @thefiles = readdir(DH);
    if (@thefiles) {
        foreach my $f (@thefiles) {
            next if ( $f eq "." or $f eq ".." );
            print "$f\n";
            if ( -d "$dirtoget/$f" ) {

#else { ## not needed

#}## not needed
my $dirtoget = "c:/Exam";

case 2: A more effective way to do it.

use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Find;
use Carp qw(croak);

croak "Please, specify your path: $!" unless defined $ARGV[0];

my $filepath = $ARGV[0];    ## get the path from CLI i.e script_name.pl "c:\Exam"
find( \&again, $filepath ); ## Instead of writing the recursive yourself use this

sub again {                 ## your again subroutine
if ( $_ ne '.' ) {
    if (-d) {           ## test directory
        print "Directory ( ", $_, " ) contains file(s): ", $/;
    else { print "\t", $_, $/; }
print $filepath, $/ if $_ eq '.';

I hope this proves useful to you.

thanks.... that very help me... i sounds about that module but i dont know why i think that recursing better then this module..

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