In Tkinter, I am trying to make the askdirectory menu more user friendly. Is there a way to center the focus of the window on the last folder opened, both vertically and horizontally? I don't want my users to have to scroll right when they get deep into subfolders.

def action1():
    dirname = tkFileDialog.askdirectory(parent=master,initialdir='./',title='Please select Lot directory')
    global dirname  

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Give starting directionary as initialdir passed to the function as parameter, return current directory as value from function and save in caller, no globals.


 def action1(i_directory):
     dirname = tkFileDialog.askdirectory(parent=master,initialdir=i_directory,title='Please select Lot directory')


Can someone please answer my question? How can i resize the Tkinter askdirectory window. to fit all the subdirectories i want to open without having to scroll. Im going through about 8 subfolders.

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